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~Tate's POV~

I had a jacket in hand for Bella even though she's technically wearing my shirt as well. Edward puts a hat on Bella for her and I ask Jasper as we stand on the other side of the car, "Since when do vampires like baseball?" He replies, "Well, it is an American past time, and there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You guys will see why." I just smile and we begin walking. As we do, I can't help but to look at the waterfall next to us.

Rosalie and Carlisle are doing the thing with the bat to see who does it first and Carlisle wins. Esme says to Bella, "Glad you're here. We need an umpire." Emmett says to us, "She thinks we cheat." Esme says, "I know you cheat." Esme says to Bella, "Call them as you seem 'em, Bella." I ask, "What can I do?" She looks awkward and I say, "I will NOT cheerlead. I already have one messed up knee, I'm not getting another one." They all look at each other and I say, "I can bat if someone runs for me." Jasper says, "These balls are really fast." I smirk, "So am I." I beg, "Come on....just let me show you." Emmett scoffs, "Alright."

Alice throws it as I'm handed the bat and I miss it. I say, "I wasn't even ready for that. One more time." She looks at them and I stand ready. I may or may not have played softball....and football and soccer. She gets ready and throws it. It's like it's going in slow motion for me. The second it's right where it needs to be, I hit it right out of the park. My hands hurt, but I did it. Everyone is shocked and I smirk, "See, not so hard." Carlisle looks at Esme and I ask, "What? What is it?" He shakes his head, already lying, "Nothing. Let's play. Edward, you'll run for her." What is it that he's not telling me?

Everyone gets into position and lightening strikes, thunder lightly rumbling, when Alice smiles, "It's time." Me and Bella are still in confusion. Rosalie is batting first. Alice throws it and Rosalie hits it, but more importantly she hits it right in time for thunder to boom through. The hit is slightly louder than the ball. That. Was. AWESOME! Me and Bella chuckle, "Okay, now I see why you need the thunder."

Edward starts running and Rosalie keeps running, already halfway there. I ask, "That's definitely a home run, right?" Esme smirks, "Edward's very fast." All of the sudden, the ball comes flying back and Esme catches it. Rosalie comes flying in, but it's too late. Bella says, nervous, "You're out." Emmett shouts, "Out!" Rosalie clearly looks pissed off and if looks could kill, Bella would be 200 feet underground. Emmett says, "Come on, babe. It's just a game." She walks past Bella and Carlisle but Carlisle says, "Nice kitty."

It's Carlisle's turn and he hits it up. As it's flying past everyone, Emmett and Edward both fly to catch it. They end up colliding into each other and Carlisle is safe. It's Jaspers turn and he looks at me, smirking, when he winks. Jasper hits it and starts running while Emmett jumps, climbs a tree, and catches it, jumping down. He throws it and Rosalie smiles proudly, "My monkey man."

      It's my turn and Edward is in position. I ask, "You ready?" He scoffs, smirking confidently, and I get ready. I smile as I look at Jasper one last time. Alice throws it and I hit it harder than last time. I have no idea how I can hit it, but I don't care. It goes flying way back and Edward's already bolted. It's still flying in the woods when Edward slams his foot onto the base. I smile and me and Jasper smile at each other, high fiving. I look over and see that Alice has a face like she's zoned out. Something seems wrong.

      Jasper sees it too. Alice yells, "Stop!" Everyone looks over into the woods before rushing over. Alice says, "They we're leaving, then they heard us." Edward and Jasper try walking away with us but Carlisle points out that its too late so we're forced to stay here. Edward says to us, "Get your hair down." We begin doing what he says when Rosalie scoffs, "Like that'll help. I can smell her all the way from across the field."

      The others stand protectively in front of us while Edward whispers to Bella. I look concerned as Jasper says, "I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry." Now I'm even more concerned. I look over and three people come from the woods: one girl and two boys. They walk much faster than anyone. Why? The reason to me are unknown.

      Edward says to me, "You too. Keep quiet and stay behind us." Me and Bella both share a worried face. They're not wearing any shoes and the one in the middle is holding up our balls. He holds it up, "I believe this belongs to you." He throws it and Carlisle catches it. Carlisle thanks him and the man says, "I am Laurent. And this this Victoria and James." I look at them and they both give me a weird look, eyeing me.

      I stand closer to Jasper, clinging to him, and he holds me close, eyeing them in return. Carlisle replies, "I'm Carlisle, and this is my family." Laurent smiles, "Hello." Why does he seem so nicely sincere yet intimidating? Carlisle says to him, "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."

      Laurent says, "Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Carlisle says, "Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." James won't stop staring at me and Bella. Laurent looks at him, asking, "Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." Victoria says, "The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe." Some of the family members put on a fake smile. Carlisle smiles, "Excellent."

      Laurent says, "So, could you use three more players?" Everyone looks at Carlisle but he doesn't respond. Laurent pushes on, "Come on. Just one game." Carlisle smiles, "Sure, why not? Some of us were just leaving; you can take their place. We'll bat first." He throws the ball but Victoria catches it, "I'm the one with the wicked curveball." Emmett says, "I think we can handle that." Everyone starts walking to their spots. Everyone except for James. He's eyeing me down at the moment.

      He turns around, but a serious gust of wind brushes past us, causing my hair to go flying around and both of our scents to fill the air. He turns back around, "You brought a snack."

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now