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~Tate's POV~


It's been about two days and I still haven't seen or heard from Jasper. Did I really hurt Jasper that much? I also haven't been able to sleep much. I tend to wake up screaming in my sleep, which I told dad to stop responding to along with Bella because I knew that I was hurting their sleep schedule too. Tomorrow's prom and it's gonna suck going by myself. I'm sitting on my bed, strumming the guitar instrumental of can't help falling in love x perfect by Paul Iballa.

I'm doing it lightly and slow to help try to calm me. Suddenly, there's a gust of wind that makes me stop. I look up, scared and shocked, but I calmed down once I saw Jasper. Tears start building up in my eyes and I ask, "Jasper?" I put my guitar down and get up, both of us walking to each other and giving each other the biggest bear hug. I cry, "I'm so sorry." He asks in disbelief, "What are YOU sorry for?" I say, "For making you do what you did. Forcing you to throw away all of your hard work to control yourself." He takes my face in his, wiping the tears away, "You didn't make me throw it away. Sure, I struggled afterwards for a few days, but in the end Carlisle helped me realize that you didn't weaken me, you made me stronger. Forcing me to do that made me stronger."

He kisses my forehead before placing his on mine, and whispers, "Thank you, Tate." I just smile and he says, "I have a question for you." I beat him to it, "Will you be my date to the prom?" He just laughs and says, "Of course, darlin'." We kiss and he looks to the guitar, "Now, let me hear the rest of that beautiful song." I just smile and we spend the rest of the night, me playing my guitar occasionally, talking, sitting together talking about our dreams, him reading to me. Even though I couldn't sleep, I've had one the of the best nights since that accident.


Me and Bella are getting ready while Edward and Jasper are downstairs with dad.

      Me and Bella are getting ready while Edward and Jasper are downstairs with dad

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      I look at myself in the mirror. I'm nervous about going out tonight being as the last time I went out - at the diner - I was jumpy and was starting to have PTSD a few times. I actually have to have medication for it. I look at the mark on my neck that's already turning into a nice scar. I use concealer to cover it up, not wanting attention drawn to me. I take another deep breath, taking some Prozac. It gives me headaches, but it does the job most of the time. Bella's already cracked jokes at my dress when she saw it because it's a little too girly for my usual taste, but I wanted to be pretty tonight, so why not try?

Bella's still in her room while I start walking down the stairs. The boys come out and I smile. Dad smirks, "Wasn't this a scene in your favorite Disney movie?" I chuckle, "Haha, dad. Very funny." Jasper smiles, "Marvelously ravishing." I blush and he places a corsage with forget me not flowers and silver and white ribbons wrapped around to make it more pretty. I ask, "How did you know?" He smirks, "Alice kinda helped." I chuckle and place a white rose on his tux and say, "I-I don't know If you'll like it, but Alice kinda sent to me to give you so...hopefully it's not too horrible." He takes my hand in his, "I love it." We're about to kiss when my dad clears his throat. Right.

Suddenly, there's a thumping sound coming from Bella's room, following the sound of a door closing. We all look and Bella comes down in a blue dress with her boot on since James broke her leg and every time that I see it, I feel more and more guilty. I could have done more to help her, to stop him from doing that. I just put on a smile and she stops a few steps away from the floor. She explains, feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed, "Alice lent me the dress. The cast is..." She just chuckles, not really being able to explain correctly what she wants to say. Edward says, "You're perfect," earning a look from dad.

Me and Jasper smirk, but then he gives Jasper the look too, causing the smile to be wiped right off of his face. It takes everything in me to hold it back. Edward says, "We'll take care of them, Chief Swan." Dad replies, "Uh-huh. I've heard that before." Edward opens the door and he and Bella leave when I say to dad, "Wait, dad, can you take our picture for us? I-I know it might be cliché or weird, but I want the memory." He smiles and me and Jasper hold each other, waiting for the picture. Once it's done I kiss dad on the cheek, "See you later, dad." He smiles and shuts the door behind all of us.

We get to the prom and Edward and Jasper go ahead to do whatever it is while me and Bella sit down. I say to her, touching her hand, "Bella, I really am sorry." She asks, "For what?" I reply, "The whole...getting bitten thing. I could have done more and I let him do that." She shakes her head, "Tate, you don't...have to apologize. He was over 100 years old, there was NOTHING that you could have done." If only I could believe that. I don't want to be hooked onto the past, but the guilt is making it almost so.

Out of nowhere, Jake comes from behind the tree. I hug him, "Hey." He smiles and looks at us, "Nice." We chuckle and Bella says, "You, too. Are you coming to crash the party or something? Did you come with a date?" He replies, "No, uh..." sitting down and looking at us. He continues, "My dad paid me to come talk to you guys. Twenty bucks. I say, "Let's hear it." He sighs, "Just don't get mad, okay?" Now he's worrying us. He says, "He wants you guys to break up with your boyfriends. It's just, he said, quote, 'We'll be watching you'." The hell kind of thing is that to say?

Jake laughs, creeped out, and Bella says, "Okay, well, tell him thanks." I chime in, "And to pay up." He laughs again. He helps Bella up, but Edward and Jasper have already come back. Jasper holds me protectively and Edward says, both him and Jacob eyeing each other down, "I'll take it from here." It's intense as they continue eyeing each other in silence. I glance at Jasper warfully, and Jacob says to us, "Guess I'll see you guys around." I smile softly, "See you, Jake." We walk to the house-thing and Jake walks back home behind the tree. That was a little too weird for me.

We walk through the picture thing and I ask, "Did Carlisle find any more information on what's up with my healing condition?" We stop, smile, and take the picture. He replies, "Not yet. We can ask him later about it though." I nod and you can already hear the music playing. We walk in and the place looks great. I scoff, "They did an AMAZING job." I look outside, "Two gazebo's?" He just shakes his head, not knowing. We walk through and I see Jess with Mike. All of our eyes go wide as we see her breasts nearly popping out of her dress and I walk past Bella, "That's your friend." She chuckles and me and Jasper walk back to the gazebo far away from everyone. A slow song starts to play and you can faintly hear it in the background "so don't keep saying our hands are tied"(That's part of the lyrics - just play the song rewrite the stars but slowed down starting from those lyrics).

I say as we stand, ready to slow dance, "I have to admit, um, I'm not a good dancer." He smiles, "You're perfect, darlin'." I smile, blushing. He helps me by leading and he looks like he's full of questions. I ask, "What's wrong?" He asks, "Do you...regret coming here? Being with me?" I just open my eyes wide in disbelief. I can't believe he even has to ask me that? I ask, "I know that it's been a little...rocky since I've got here. I've gotten into a car accident, had ptsd more times than I can count and was bitten by a deranged vampire, but I wouldn't trade any of this if it meant I had to lose you. I will gladly go through that and worse just to have the chance to see you smile or hear you call me 'darlin'." We laugh and I say, "It's only been a short while and I did NOT expect this to be my life in Forks, but just the fact that we can lay together at night and read to each other, just being able to smell you makes everything worth it. I just hope that I can be worth it for you. I don't want to let you down or have someone else that's better than me come along and take you."

He looks at me, almost pained, "You are EVERYTHING to me. There is no 'someone else'. You're the only woman in my life that I'll ever love. If you were to die...I'd die too. YOU are my life, Tate." I feel a tear fall down my face and say, "I want forever with you, Jasper. It probably won't happen soon, but I WILL do what it takes to make that happen. I love you." He smiles and says, "I love you, too." We kiss, my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around my face. Everything's perfect...could life get any better?


I get out of the shower, Jasper waiting for me on the bed, when I get a text message. I look and my heart drops:

Moved on already?

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now