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~Tate's POV~

Yup, messed myself up pretty good. I lay here, in the bed next to Bella with a curtain separating us. She's fine as far as anyone can tell. I have some pain killer's so I'm discomforted, but not in pain like I was before. I hear my father burst through the doors, "Bella. You okay?" I hear his footsteps grow closer and him say to who I assume is Tyler, the person that drove the van, "You and I are gonna talk." He asks her again, "You all right?"

Bella says, "I'm fine, Dad. Calm down." Tyler says, "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop." Bella says, "It's okay." Dad refutes, "No. It sure as hell is not okay." Bella says, "Dad, it wasn't his fault." Dad continues ranting, "You could've been killed. You understand that? Speaking of recklessness, where's your sister?" Oh, great. I reply, my voice hoarse, "Here." He opens the curtains and anger quickly grows in his eyes. I would too if my daughter was wearing tubes, bruised and broken. It's not that bad, though. Honestly.

He turns to Tyler, "You can kiss your license goodbye." I shift, groaning in the process, "It's fine, dad. It's not that serious and it really was MY fault." He looks confused and I explain, "I saw his tires sliding and tried to block his way from Bella, but I ended up hitting his car and went flying." He rubs his hand over his face, "How could you be so reckless, Tate?!" I just stay silent and he sighs, "I'm sorry, I can't do that. You had me worried." I reply, "I told you this morning that I'd be fine, and I'm telling you the same thing now. It isn't that bad." He scoffs, "THIS is fine?" I just smile and he says, "I-I don't get it. I'm just happy you're not in a coma."

Bella gives me a half smile and says, "Thanks for TRYING." I reply, "Anytime. Who else would I have to annoy if you're gone." She chuckles and my dad smiles at us. The doors open again, a pale man with blonde hair emerging and making his way over to us. He smiles, "I heard the chiefs daughters were here." I smile and lightly wave. Dad says, "Dr. Cullen." Cullen? As in Jasper, Edward, and Alice's dad? He says to the nurse by us, "I've got these, Jackie." She nods and leaves, smiling. He talks to us, "Isabella, Tate." She corrects him and he continues, "Well, Bella, Tate, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?" She responds, "Good." I reply, "Like I got stomped on by a horse." He chuckles and so do I. He turns to Bella, "Look here." She complies and he does the light thing. He does the same to me.

He says to Bella, "You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good. No sign of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine." He turns to me now and looks at my chart, "You on the other hand, Tate, I'm a bit more concerned about. You have a boxer's fracture, all the ribs on your right side are severely bruised, a grade 3 concussion and you have a sprained ankle." I say, "I hurt my ankle before the accident." They all look confused so I explain, "It was during my run last week." Dad asks, "Why didn't you tell anyone so we could get it looked at?" I reply, "I-it didn't hurt that bad and I didn't want to bother anyone."

Dr. Cullen says, "Well, it's a good thing that we see it. You're going to need it wrapped in sports tape to keep it stable and I would avoid running for a week, and then I can check it personally at my home. I have a private room for injuries like this and other's." I just nod. I ask as I hold my hand up, the boxer's splint already in place, "I won't be able to play guitar or do any sketching, huh?" He shakes his head, "No, you won't." I huff and put it back down. He laughs. Tyler says, "I'm so sorry. I'm really-" but dad interrupts him by closing the curtain tightly.

Bella says, "It would have been a lot worse for me if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way." Dad asks, "Edward? Your boy?" Dr. Cullen holds a look, but nods. Bella continues, "Yeah, it was amazing. I mean, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me." Dr. Cullen says, "It sounds like you were very lucky." I ask, "What time do you think that I could get out of here, doc?" He replies, "You should be able to leave today. Just be VERY careful and don't do anything purposely that could pose you a great danger." I nod. He leaves, nodding goodbye. What was that look?

Bella leaves to call mom and dad goes to talk to her while a nurse helps me up and takes my tubes off. She puts me in a wheelchair, I guess since they don't think I should start walking QUITE yet, and wheels me out of the room. I smile, "I think I forgot my phone, can you please check for me?" She nods, smiling, and leaving. I see Bella standing there after Edward storms away and wheel over. I ask, "Bells, are you okay?" She just replies, "Yea...I'm fine." I sigh, "I know you're lying, but I'm too exhausted to press the issue now. Just know that you can talk to me." She half smiles and so do I.


It's the same night and here I am, dreaming about...HIM.

I ask him, "What happened today? Why are you so upset?" He tries to leave and I hold his arm back, "Talk to me."

I scream in pain as I hit the floor, holding my face. He yells, "Stop pressing an issue that has nothing to do with you! You're my girlfriend, not my wife! Get out of my business and clean yourself up. You look terrible." He storms off and I stay laying on the ground, crying.

I feel tears actually streaming down my cheeks outside of my sleep. The fear and sadness that I'm feeling right now as I dream about a past memory vanishes and I feel calm. It's dark and suddenly I see Jasper. His face is always calming. He makes me feel better and he doesn't even do anything. I relax into a peaceful sleep, dreaming about him and no doubt other nice, serene things...


(Outfit above) I really hope that everyone isn't up my ass, being nosy about what happened yesterday. Dad's making me ride with Bella until my hand gets fixed. Right now I'm on my way back from the bathroom while Mr. Molina is outside of the bus talking to some students. I'm limping, but the pain is a lot better for my foot than yesterday. Can't exactly say the same for my bruised ribs.

As I'm walking back, someone yells at me, "What the hell were you thinking?!" I look and see none other than Alice. I ask, "What?" She explains, "Yesterday, driving your bike in front of the van like that? You could have died." I smile, "But I didn't. Just some minor injuries; I'm fine." She continues, "You shattered another car's window falling on it." I say, "Just goes to show how hard headed I really am." She says, "This is serious. And what are you wearing? It's glacial outside; you're going to freeze to death." I say, "I'm warm right now. My mom says that I must be extremely warm blooded." She shakes her head, "You really are determined to kill herself." I say, "I'm not suicidal, just free-spirited and adventurous." She adds, "Reckless." I shrug, "That too." We start walking back and I see Mike talking to Bella.

Jasper walks over and Alice walks to the rest of the family. He asks, "How are you feeling? I heard about what happened yesterday." I say, "Feelin' alright." He asks, "Are you in pain?" I shake my head, "No, more like uncomfortable. It's bearable. Honestly, it's a good thing. It'll teach me not to be so...ME next time." He asks, "Do you always drive straight into a swerving vehicle heading for destruction?" I pretend to think while shifting my head left and right, "Sometimes. I'm quite the daredevil. Even better than James Bond and Dirty Harry." He lifts his eyebrow and I laugh, causing him to smile and lightly chuckle. He says, "You have a pretty smile. You should do it more often." I blush and but say to him, "You too. You always look so serious. Crack a smile and let people in a bit."

He says, "The only person I want to let in is you." I blush even more and he asks, extremely nervous, "Would you mind coming over tomorrow after school?" I'm curious when he explains, "I-I need some help catching up in a few classes and you're a straight - A student." I ask, "How do you know that?" He says, "Lucky guess. Plus, I saw you look at one of your papers at lunch the other day and just so happened to notice the grade. So, what do you say?" I smile, "Sure; I'd love to." He smiles lightly and the teacher calls for everyone. This is going to be a fun field trip...


I sat next to Jasper the whole time and we talked about anything. It was cute because we were both nervous and feeling a little awkward, but I liked it. Sometimes we just sit in a comfortable silence and that feels nice too. On the way back, I accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder and even when it was time to get off the bus, he was waking me up so gently, as if I was a precious object so fragile that I'll break at just the brush of his finger tips. Right now I'm getting ready to fall asleep, the only question plaguing my mind, 'What awkward is our study session going to be tomorrow?'

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz