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~Tate's POV~
It's the next day and I'm still smiling from ear to ear. Last night was great. Especially me realizing my true feelings for Jasper. I barely know the guy, yet I bared my soul to him.

      The pain in my foot is completely gone and the pain in my ribs is barely there. The coloration has disappeared. My fingers feel normal again too. Its like in healing faster than I should. I go downstairs to dad and say, "Can you call Carlisle and see if he can check me today?" He asks, "Already?" I nod, smiling, "I'm feeling a lot better." He looks surprised but says, "U-uh, sure, will do." I smile and tell Bella, "Bella, come on! We gotta go!" I rush outside and wait impatiently by the car.

      I'm so happy about so many things. We get to the school and I look around, looking for Jasper, but he's nowhere to be seen. I turn back to where Bella is supposed to be, but she's not here anymore. I look and see her figure at the edge of the woods, going in. What is she doing? I'm about to walk to her when someone holds my shoulder, keeping me back. I turn around and face Jasper. I smile, "Hey!" He has a weird face so I ask, "What's wrong?"

He says, nervous and what seems like afraid, "We need to talk later today." I look confused, "O-okay." The bell rings and I groan, looking back at the woods. He says, "Let me walk you to class." I nod, smiling. He puts his arm around my shoulders which pleasantly surprises me. One thing that comes to my mind....Bella had better know what she's doing.


People wouldn't stop staring and whispering about me and Jasper and the only thing I care about is the fact that I haven't seen Bella all day. I've been calling, but I'm just sent straight to her voicemail, which is extremely worrisome. It's lunch time and Jasper is sitting with me. He inquiries, "What's wrong? Something's been on your mind; you're worried." I say, "I'm not completely sure. I don't even think that I have a need to be worried, I just...I just am." He asks again, "What is it?" I say, "Bella. I haven't seen her all day and this morning I saw her going into the woods." He says, "I'm sure she's alright." I just look at him for a second, nodding and smiling.

He says, smiling, "Try to relax." He's right. I just need to relax. She's alright and everything is going to be okay. It's not like she's gone into the woods and not come back for hours. She's smart enough to avoid big scary creatures that could tear her apart in two seconds. I take a deep breath and Jasper puts his hand on my arm comfortingly. I go to reach for it, but he retracts it. Weird, but I'll ignore it for now...


It's time to go and Bella finally comes back at the end of the day. I'm about to go to her when Jasper asks, "What time are you available tonight?" I say, "I should be free after my check up." He asks, "Check up?" I nod, "Yea, your dad is checking up on me when I get home. My dad told me. I'm feeling a lot better, and it seems like I'm healing quickly so he's going to be checking up and making sure that everything is okay." He nods and suggests, "Why don't I come over, that way I can talk to you after?" I just nod and he walks over to his family and their two cars.

I rush over to Bella and she asks nonchalantly, something on her mind, "Are you ready to go?" I hit her in the arm. She cries out and holds the spot where I hit her, "What was that for?" I reply, "What were you thinking?! You walk into the woods and don't come back for hours and refuse to answer any of my calls or texts!" She shrugs, "I'm sorry, I was just..." I ask, "Just?" She shakes her head, "Nothing." I ask, "What?" She says, opening her door, "We should get going." Is she serious? I get in and say, "You're lucky that I need to be home." She gives me a look and we go home.

We get home and Carlisle is in the living room with dad, a bag on the table. They turn around and I smile at them while Bella goes upstairs. Another car pulls up and there's a knock. I open it and see Jasper. I close the door behind him and say to both of them, "He's here for me after the check up, it won't be too long." My dad nods and Carlisle says, "I'll need some privacy with Tate now." They nod and both him and Jasper leaves.

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now