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~Tate's POV~

      It's time to leave school and I get to my bike. I'm about to put my helmet on when Alice comes up to me, "Hey!" Her optimism is off-putting, but I kinda like it at the same time. I smile, "Hey." She says, "I'd like you to meet someone." She calls out, "Jasper!" He walks over timidly and my heart immediately flutters like it did when I first saw him. She smiles as he stands next to her, almost TOWERING over me, and says, "I'd like you to meet my friend, Jasper. Jasper, this is Tate. She's new here." I hold my hand out, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." He's unsure and just stares at my hand. I take it away awkwardly and tuck a hair behind my ear.

      He replies, "It's nice to meet you as well." I smile and I see Bella leaving, honking her horn at me. I say, "That's my cue. I've got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow?" She smiles and I wave goodbye at them before putting my helmet on and revving my bike, being careful not to run over their feet, and speed out of there. It's my first time talking to him and it was nice, but how come he didn't shake my hand? Is he a germaphobe or something? It kind of reminded me of what happened when Edward smelled Bella from across the room. Hopefully dinner with Dad goes better.


      We're sitting in the diner, people talking and walking past, being busy bodies. I missed this despite how awkward it is right now. Cora places our food down, saying to me and Bella, "I just can't get over how grown up you both are. And so gorgeous." I smile instantly. A man comes up to us, behind Cora, and smiles happily, "Hey, Bella...Tate." I smile and Bella does the same. He asks, "You remember me?" He seems familiar, but I'm not sure where from. Bella looks confused. He explains, "I played Santa one year." Dad says, "Yea, Waylon, they haven't had a Christmas here since they were four." Dad replies jokingly, "You always do." We smile. Waylon asks, "I bet I made an impression, though, didn't I?" Cora chuckles, "Butt-crack Santa?" We all chuckle.

      Now I definitely remember him. He was funny and lightened my mood. Me and Bella had gotten into an food fight and she got upset with me for getting potatoes all in her hair. If it wasn't already apparent, I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 170. It's really based on things that I've read, which is why I couldn't really place Waylon's face at first. Waylon says, "Hey, kids love those little bottle's, though." Cora says, "Alright, let the girls eat their food, Waylon." Waylon leaves, lightly waving goodbye, and Cora says to us, "As soon as you're done, I will bring your favorite. Berry Cobbler, remember? Your dad still has it. Every Thursday." I place my hand on dad's and smile.

      Bella says, "Thank you, that'd be great." She leaves and we all start eating. Bella and dad awkwardly go for the ketchup at the same time, but dad just gave it to her first. Some people laugh, catching our attention, and we just have a nice, peaceful dinner. I like nights like this. It's gone from awkward, to a comfortable silence.


      I've already showered and thrown my hair into a messy bun, wearing blue and white fleece pajama shorts with clouds all over it and a white cropped tank top on. I'm fiddling with my guitar, doing a song that I've done for a while now. I didn't make it myself, I just play it on my guitar from time to time. (For my readers, Look up Ocean Eyes - Paul Iballa. It's a guitar cover). As I'm playing it, I hear Bella talking to mom. I wonder if she's gonna call me? Probably not. I shake my head and continue playing when dad knocks on the door. I stop and smile, "Hey." He smiles back, sitting on my bed, "Hey, sweet heart. How was school?" I sigh in response, laying my head on my arms that are laying on the side of my guitar. He laughs, "That bad, huh?"

      I ask, "Aren't all first days?" He chuckles and I start playing with my fingers, "T-there was something though." He asks, curious, "What is it?" I clear my throat, "Um, don't freak, 'cause it's not that serious." He says, "You're starting to worry me." I say, "I may or may not have met a guy at school. I mean It was only an introduction, but...I don't know. There's just something there I wanna know." He sighs, his hands on his knees, stretched out. He asks, "What's his name?" I reply, "Jasper Cullen." He asks, "As in Dr. Cullen's son?" I nod and he asks, "Isn't he a few years older than you?" I reply, "We're both Juniors." He says, "Okay, so, you have a crush." I stay silent. He nods, talking to mainly himself, "I can deal with that. I can deal with that." I smile and he asks, "Have you talked to your mother about this?"

      I reply, "Not yet. She hasn't called and she's on the phone with Bella right now so I figured I'd give them time." He nods and I ask, "How was work?" For the rest of the night we talk, catching up, until I end up falling asleep, peacefully. I missed late night talks with dad...


(Clothes in picture above). It's the next day and I'm sitting on a bench a few feet away from the parking lot, playing the same song that I did on my guitar last night. Usually I don't like playing in front of others, but no one seems to be paying attention. I've just got done playing, putting my guitar in it's case, when I hear a voice from next to me, "You play nicely." I look up and see Jasper. He looks kind of uncomfortable to be talking to me. I smile, standing up after having zippered up the case, "U-uh, thanks." He says, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I shake my head, looking up at him, "No, you didn't do anything. I just didn't know anyone was listening."

I ask, "Can I ask you a question?" He just nods and I ask, "Do I make you uncomfortable? You just seem so...figgity and nervous." He shakes his head, "It's not that, trust me. It's a...personal issue." I just nod. I laugh nervously, "I get it. I get the same away around people I don't know, myself." He nods and I cringe at myself. He turns around and I see Alice and him sharing a look. The bell rings and he asks, "Would you mind if I walked you to your class?" I nod my head, smiling and blushing, "I'd like that." He smiles and I see that his eyes are now a dark brown, almost black color. I ask, "Hey, you're eyes; they're a different color?" He nods, "It's the fluorescence." I just nod.

We start walking to class and he asks, "Where did you move from?" I respond, "Phoenix." He asks, "Any particular reason why?" I don't answer for a second. He might be cute and I might like him, but it's no reason to get into the deep stuff right now. I just say, "Well, long story short, my mom was visibly unhappy not being able to move around with our stepdad, being as he's a minor league baseball player, so we moved to let her be happy." He asks, "We?" I explain, "Bella Swan. She's my twin sister." He looks intrigued as he nods.

I ask, "When did you get adopted by the Cullen's?" He looks deep in though before he answers, "I wasn't too young. I was 15 at the time." I nod and I'm trip on myself. Dang it! Not here! Not in front of him!

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin