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~Tate's POV~

Bella is downstairs talking to Edward and I'm upstairs painting a random sketch I found on a canvas I did since I couldn't sleep, headphones in my ears and swaying to the music. I'm about halfway done my painting. I start humming while dipping my paintbrush into the paint. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, protectively, lovingly, caringly.

I immediately know who it is just by his own amazing smell. It fills me up and intoxicates me. It literally overruns my nervous system and almost takes control of my whole being. I take out my headphone closest to his mouth and he says, "Looks beautiful." I shrug, "It does, doesn't it?" He chuckles and he says, "Well, I was talking about you, but the painting is quite beautiful as well." I just giggle and turn around.

I ask, "What are you doing here?" He asks, "Can't I just visit my girlfriend at her house?" I ask, "Girlfriend? I don't quite remember you asking, love." He squints, "Didn't I?" I shake my head, pretending to think, "No, I dont't-I don't think so." We chuckle and he says, "Well, my apologies, ma'am." I say, "There is one thing you could do to make it up to me." He looks intrigued, "What would that be, darlin'?" I put down my headphones and paint and pick up my sketchbook and pencil, "Be my model." He laughs and says, "I would love to, but we'll have to postpone for later tonight. Bella's coming over to meet everyone and Carlisle and Esme would like for me to be there."

I sigh, "I guess I'll have to make due. It's actually a good idea because I'm supposed to be hanging out with Jacob today anyways." He asks, "Jacob Black?" I ask, "You know him?" He corrects, "I know OF him." I ask, "Is there something wrong?" He shakes his head, looking at me and smiling, "Not at all. Have fun." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I immediately blush. He says, "Stay safe." I ask, "Aren't I always?" He chuckles and leaves, going down to everyone else standing outside.

I look at the time and see that I should be getting to Jake's place. We haven't hung out since my first day coming back and we both really want to. When me and Bella used to visit, he was my best friend and I plan on making that continue. I grab my bag and keys and helmet. It's my first day back on the bike and I'm excited. Don't get me wrong, it's a little scary, but you can't let fear rule your life. You make a mistake and come back stronger.

I take a deep breath as I put my helmet on, having to put my ponytail down and in the helmet once again. Once I start the engine, I kick up the kick stand and rev it, going on my way. It doesn't take long to get there. I remember the path of the road like the back of my hand. Once my bike stops in the driveway, I kick down the kickstand and take off my helmet, taking another deep breath. I get off and see Jake coming around the corner. He comes over, "Hey." We hug, tightly, and I reply, "Hey." We part, smiling, and he says, confused, "I thought you were all messed up from that accident at school?" I ask, "You heard about that?" He nods and I run my hand through my hair.

I nod, "Well, Initially I was. My hand was fractured, my entire side was all bruised up and I had a sprained ankle." He still looks confused, "That only happened a few days ago, maybe a week, so...what happened? It looks like it never happened." I knit my brows, "I'm still confused about it too. Carlisle explained a couple of days ago that it was basically some rare genetic thing where my blood regenerates and makes me heal a lot quicker than the normal person. Only ten other people have been known to have it." He just looks confused.

I hear, "Tate." I turn and see Billy. He smiles, wheeling over to me, "I'm glad to see you're feeling better." I chuckle, "Glad to be feeling it." He asks, "You and Jacob hanging out today?" I say, "Seems to be the plan." He smiles, "Have fun, kids." I just smile and Jacob says, "Come on, I want you to meet the guys." I nod and keep my helmet on my side. We get to the area where Jake works on his bikes and see a few guys leaving. Jake calls out, "Hey, wait up! I want you to meet someone." They turn and smile when they see me. Jake says as we stand in front of them, "This is Sam, Jared, Paul, Brady, Embry and Collin. Guys, this is Tate."

I smile, "it's nice to meet you guys." Embry says, "I'm surprised Jake's not talking about you instead of Bella all the time." I just look surprised and blush. Jared asks, "We're going cliff jumping, do you wanna join? That is, if you're up for the thrill. Usually none of the girls wanna come 'cuz it's too dangerous." Jakes scoffs, "Guys, I don't think-" but I interject, "I would." They look surprised and I say, "If I can heal in days from getting hit by a truck, I can handle cliff jumping." The boys looks confused and I say, "Well, Jake and I were supposed to go swimming anyways." They smile.

      I say, "Well, let's go." Jake says, "I'll put your bag and helmet up for you." I nod and They start laughing and talking and we start running. Its about a mile away from the house and the boys all take their shoes off. I do the same, plopping the shirt on my waist down next to them on the ground. Jake has already caught up with us and says to me, "You know you don't have to do this, right? We can just go swimming later like planned." I ask, "Awe, are you worried for me?" He scoffs and I say, "relax, I'm fine." Paul says, "See? It's fine. Now leave her alone, Jake."

      He shakes his head and Jake says, "You're up, Tate

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

      He shakes his head and Jake says, "You're up, Tate." I chuckle and finish taking my pants off. The guys just look at me and I know they can see my scars. I take a deep breath, clenching and unclenching my fists. Collin asks, "What's wrong? Getting scared, new girl?" I guffaw, "How's this for scared?" I immediately run and go flying over the cliff a few feet. My heart falls into my stomach as I plummet down into the water, but I do it and fall pretty deep into it.

      I'm about to reach the surface when something grabs my leg, keeping me down. I keep trying to swim up, but nothing. I look down and see what looks like Tyler. I gasp, but that causes me to swallow some water. I start coughing and choking on water. He starts pulling me down and I manage to kick him. There's a splash above me and someone yanks me up above the water; It's Sam. I start spitting out tons of water and coughing uncontrollably.

      He pulls me to land and I crawl on my hand and knees in the sand. Once away from the water, I start throwing up more. It's like I had buckets just flowing out of me. Once I'm done, Sam asks, helping me stand up, "Are you okay?" I nod, "I'm okay. Did you..." He asks, "What?" I ask, "Did you see something or someone under the water with me?" He asks, "What are you talking about?" He clearly didn't. I say, "Nothing. Never mind. I-i'm gonna go to meet Jake at the house." He nods and I start walking, completely shaken by what just happened. Did I really see Tyler? Is he here in Forks?

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang