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~Tate's POV~
      He turns to us, smiling, "You brought snacks." He starts trying to walk towards us, but everyone immediately gets in front protectively, hissing like cats. Yes, like cats. Laurent stands next to him and Victoria, "Humans?" Carlisle explains, "The girls are with us. I think it's be best if you leave."

      Laurent admits, "I can see the game is over. We'll go now." He's being truthful but the same can't be said for James and Victoria. Laurent calls for him and they eventually leave. My heart is pounding so hard beneath my chest I don't know how I haven't had a heart attack yet.

      Jasper and Edward rush me and Bella into the car, but Edward looks like he's losing it. I ask, "What? Is he coming after us?" We speed through another path in the woods, no one responding but it's clearly evident that James is coming after us. Jasper says, "James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession." Edward says, "I read his mind. Our reactions on the field set him off. We just made this his most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop." We ask, "So what do we do?" Jasper says, "We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces."

      Bella asks, "Where are we going?" Edward responds, "Away from Forks. We'll take a ferry to Vancouver." Our eyes go wide. Bella says, "We have to go home now. You have to take us home." Edward responds, "Neither of you can go home. He's just gonna trace your scents there. It's the first place he's gonna look." I chime in, "But our dad is there..." Edward yells, "It doesn't matter!" I yell back, "Yes it does! He could get killed because of us." Jasper insists, "Let's just get you both out of here first." Bella says, "It's our dad! We have to go back!"

      She continues, calming down slightly, "We'll figure out how to lead the tracker away somehow. I don't know, but we have to do something." Edward sighs, giving in. I ask, "What are we gonna do when we get home?" Jasper says, "You're going to have to convince him that you CAN'T stay there, no matter what?" No matter what? We just got here. We just got to see our dad, to live a new life we love. I don't know if I can lose my dad... I say, "Bella has to do it." She looks at me and I say, "I won't be able to do it. Just tell him that I'm in the car or something." She just nods and I'm already tearing up.

      Bella and Edward get out and walk to the door so I say to Jasper, "we have to get into my room quietly without being noticed." He nods and he holds me as he jumps us quietly into my room. He shuts the door, locking it. He gets a bag and me and him both start packing clothes for a few days. He got shirts and pants while I got pajamas and underwear and everything else that I need. I hear someone charging up the stares.

      Bella says through the door, "I just have to get out." My father asks, "Where's your sister?" She replies, "She's in the car. She couldn't come in." They continue taking and I continue packing, beginning to tear up. I say, "We're almost done." He nods and continues shifting through, looking for the right clothes and shoes. I try my best to tune out what they're saying out there because it's breaking my heart. I hear, "I just got you back," and say with a broken voice as I begin to cry, "I can't listen anymore. I'd like to go to the car." He nods, looking hurt at my reaction, and takes me downstairs, placing me into the car. I start sobbing as I see Bella come out.

      I hope they take care of James soon because I can't live a life without my dad. He's one of the closest people to me and it breaks my heart that we even have to do this. Bella comes in, slamming the door shut almost in tears while I'm sobbing on the far side of the truck. Bella drives off and Edward slams onto the side of the truck, Bella's side, and says, "Your father's going to forgive you."

      Jasper slams onto my side, opening the door. Edward takes the wheel and you wouldn't think it, but all of us fit in perfectly. Bella shakes her head, "No he won't. You should've seen his face. I told him the same thing my mom told him when she was leaving him." Me and her share a look and I continue crying, softer now.

      Jasper says, "It's the only way he'd ever let you two go." Me and Bella shake our heads while Edward says, "Just don't worry about him now. He safe. The trackers following us." There's a loud slam where me and Bella's bags are and we gasp. Jaspers calms us, "It's just Emmett." I turn and that's exactly who he is. He's standing on the bed of the truck. You know what, I'm also gonna miss my bike.

      We look outside and pass by a restaurant, Bella's friends are coming out, laughing and smiling. After a while, we pull up to the house and rush inside. The second that the doors open, Carlisle walks down the stairs with Laurent. Edward and Jasper push us behind them. Carlisle says, "Wait! He came to warn us about James."

      Laurent explains, "This isn't my fight, and I've grown tired of his games, but he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years. And the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." And with that, he leaves. We step into the garage with a few cars inside of it. Jasper says, speaking to Emmett, "I've had to fight our kind before. We're not easy to kill." Emmett states, "But not impossible. We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces." We pass by Carlisle as he says, "I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." I feel bad for making them do this, for making them go through this. They wouldn't be going through this if it wasn't for us. For me.

      Rosalie is sitting on the counter. She asks, "what if he kills one of us first?" She's right. Edward says, "I'll run Bella and Tate south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Carlisle says, "No, Edward. James knows you would never leave Bella. He'll follow you." Is that the same for Jasper? Alice volunteers, "I'll go with Bella and Tate. Jasper and I will drive them south." Long story short, Rosalie doesn't want to but she's wearing the jacket that both me and Bella have worn many times so it has both of our scents and Edward apologized to Bella so now we're driving.

      I really hope that this doesn't get too bad, but I already have a bad feeling...

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now