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~Jasper's POV~
      I wanted to learn to control my thirst a bit better if I'm going to be seeing Tate, so I stayed home with Carlisle to do that. What I didn't expect was to hear about what happened to Tate while I was gone. I wanted so badly to rush to the hospital and be there for her, but I knew I couldn't so I had to wait.

      This isn't usually like me. She changes me and I'm not sure if it's for the better or for the worse, but I don't care. When it was late at night and I was sure she's sleeping, I went over to her house. It was dark and I can tell that everyone was sleeping. I jump to her window, being careful not to wake her, and thankfully it's open. She should really close it though.

      I sit down on her bay window and watch her sleep. It's less creepy than it sounds. After a while I could tell that she was starting to have a nightmare. She was clutching the sheets, whimpering, sweating, her face was twitching in a sad and painful way. I feel guilty for using my powers on her, but I have the best intentions. I can't stand watching her in pain.

      I do it and she goes back to normal, sleeping peacefully. Just as she does so, she whispers, "Jasper." I smile...she's dreaming about me.


      I'm just about home from hunting when I hear a car pull up to the house. I can tell just from the smell that it's Tate. She walks to the door and I hear her heart pounding in her chest. She's nervous. Carlisle answers the door and they all get to know each other. I can't believe she has eidetic memory. I've never known someone with that before...

      The way that she kept going on with her random facts, not even skipping a beat. I've gave a few of my own and some of here I already knew but it was nice seeing her smile and relax. I ended up reading some of a book to her until her dad came up and picked her up. Now I'm in the kitchen with Carlisle and Esme.

      Esme smiles, "She's surely an interesting girl. I can see why you like her." I smile. Carlisle says, "You're going to have to practice controlling your thirst a lot more now." I nod, "I know." Esme says, "And you're going to have to tell her eventually. That or cut her off now, save you both pain, but you have to make the decision and make it quickly." I huff. I can't bear to just cut her off, but I can't bare the thought of her rejecting me or being afraid of me once she knows....this is going to be tough.

~Tate's POV~

      It's the next day and Bella won't stop talking to me about a legend that Jacob told her about yesterday

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It's the next day and Bella won't stop talking to me about a legend that Jacob told her about yesterday. I'm actually interested so I'll be looking at it at home today. Supposedly it's about werewolves and I love legends like that.

      I walk over to Jasper and the others and I smile, "Hey!" He smiles and the other turn, walking away. Alice gives me a wink and I do the same. He replies, "Hey." I say, "I want to invite you to the movies tonight." He asks, "What movie?" I reply, "It's that new horror movie that just came out? I don't really remember the name." He asks, "How do you know you want to watch it then?"

      I shrug, "I don't, but I'm mostly just using it as an excuse to hang out." He smiles, "Alright, darlin'. What time should I pick you up?" I say, "It starts around 730." He nods, continuing to smile and the rest of the day goes by nicely. We talked and say together at lunch. People are starting to stare more, causing me to give them a death glare, telling them with my eyes to mind their own business.

      We're home and Bella is on her computer doing god knows what. I get dressed as quick as I can, trying to look nice, but keep it the same style that I usually wear.

Once I'm done, I see that I still have some time left so I decide to go on my computer and look up that legend

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Once I'm done, I see that I still have some time left so I decide to go on my computer and look up that legend. As I open my laptop, dad comes in, "Well you look nice." I turn and smile, "Thanks." He asks, "Is there any specific reason as to why?" I say, nervous and already blushing, "I-I'm going on a date." He asks, "With Jasper?" I nod and he asks, "Where to? What time are you getting home?"

      I answer, "The movies, and we'll be back around 930." He says, "No later than 1030." 1030? Is he actually letting me stay out later? Whatever, I'm not going to question it. He asks, "Do you still have your pepper spray?" I exclaim, "Dad!" He puts his hands up in defense and leaves. I start searching through my computer.

       I see some book results on Quileutae Legends and click on it. I click on the Thunderbird and Whale store and buy access to it online. There's a bunch of different ones, some talking about cold ones and other things like masks for "the cold ones". Are they trying to describe vampires? I thought it was only about supposed werewolves...

      There's something else I look up online. I click the link The Cold One: Apotamkin. I read aloud under it, "The fanged Apotamkin is known to sink his fangs into unwitting children..." definitely talking about vampires. But if it's a book on Werewolves, then why are they talking about Vampires?

      I see some pictures. The first one is of a skeleton monster eating people. A section is called: Demons of the night. For the Egyptian section, there's something called the Immortal drink with Egyptian pictures showing glasses with blood drops on top of them, indicating the blood drink.

      For the Peru section: the demons dismemberment. There's tons more Egyptian photos, showing people getting cut open, ripped apart like in the Middle Ages when they were drawn and quartered. It makes my stomach churn. There's a large script detailing more things of "the cold ones" and certain ones stand out the most: Undead, Speed, Strength, Cold-skinned, immortal, drank blood.

      When I see "cold-skinned" I instantly see flashes of when I shook hands with Jaspers mom, Esme. I mean, they're all pale, but they couldn't be vampires, no way. I hear a knock that startles me. I gasp and turn around to see Bella. I shut my laptop and she chuckles, "Sorry. Uhm, dad told me to tell you that Jasper's here for your date." I nod and grab my bag, walking downstairs.

      Once I get on the last step, I walk into the kitchen and Jasper is talking with my dad. He says to me, "You look beautiful." I blush and dad sighs. He says to me, "Remember the curfew." I say, "Yes, dad." We walk out and I see a black BMWM2 Coupe Edition. I ask, "How many cars does your family have?" He says, "Not as many as you might think." I scoff and lift my eyebrows. He opens the door for me and I smile as he closes the door. Such a gentleman. I hope this night finishes as great as it's starting....💕

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now