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~Tate's POV~

      Here it is. This is the moment. He comes around the corner and she screams as he lifts his knife, stabbing her. Everyone in the audience screams bloody murder. I say, "Well why didn't you check there? Its like the ONLY place you didn't look and BAM he's there." I groan in frustration and hear a chuckle next to me.

      I lift my brow and ask teasingly, "Something funny?" He smiles, "Not at all, darlin'." I just look forward and we continue the movie. It's pretty generic and not scary. There was some parts that may have startled me, but definitely not scared me.

      The movies just about over when Jasper whispers to me, "Let's get out of here." I ask, "And to where?" He smirks, "It's a surprise." I smirk back and we get up, walking out of the very dark theater. We start walking down the street until we reach a restaurant. It's really pretty. I ask, "What are we doing here?" He says, "Having dinner."

      He walks up and I'm right behind him as we get to the booth thing where you told where your table is. He says, "Cullen." She smiles and says, "Table for two. Right this way." We walk behind her and Jasper does my chair for me before sitting down himself.

      The woman says, "Your waitress will be right with you." We nod and we pick up the Menue's. I look and my jaw drops. He asks, "What's wrong, darlin'?" I point out, slightly whispering, "Jasper, everything here is too expensive." He smiles, "Not at all." I start feeling uncomfortable. I hate taking this much money from him.

      The waitress comes up and smiles flirtatiously at Jasper, "What can I get you tonight?" I say, "I'll have a water and a chicken Caesar salad (I didn't know what else to get)." She continues looking at him, "What about you?" He looks at me, smiling, and says, "I'll have a water." She writes it down and says, "I'll be right back," winking at him as she's leaving. I give a disgusted scoff in disbelief.

      I ask him, "You're really not going to eat anything?" He explains, "I'm on a special diet." I just nod. He says, "There's been something I've wanted to ask you, if it's alright." I look concerned and nod, wanting him to continue. He says, "That first day, when you ran out of the cafeteria...what was that about?" My mood grows dark and I look away.

      He says, "I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it." I shake my head, clearing my throat, "No, it's okay. My mom told me it gets better when you talk about it anyways." I pull down my jacket a bit, revealing a scar just below my collarbone. He looks intense after I show it. I continue, "A year and a half ago I was stabbed by a guy I used to date. His name was Tyler Manson. We dated for almost two years. It was fine for a while, but I started seeing a different side to him at the beginning of sophomore year. He was becoming more aggressive and agitated. He was secretive and distant. Pretty soon after the year started, he began hitting me. At first I thought it was an accident and he swore to do better, but I knew deep down that wasn't true. The night I got this, we were having an argument because I caught him cheating on me with another girl and I confronted him. I still didn't leave. Not until I ended up needing a steel plate wired into my jaw. I threatened to break up with him and he lost it. I got a restraining order against him, but ever since, I've been getting panic attacks and anxiety."

      I wipe away a tear I didn't know I shed until I felt the hot liquid falling down my cheek. He looks angry, almost bloodthirsty, until I put my hand on his. It's a little too cold for my liking, making me think of the word "cold-skinned" again, but I ignore it. I'd hold it forever if it were up to me.

      I say, "I'm doing a lot better now though, overtime." The food comes and once she leaves and I take my fork, I say to him, smiling, "Tell me about you."  For the rest of the time, we swap stories, all positive. My dad is the only other person I've told besides my mom and Bella. I don't know why he seems so trustworthy to me. It's like I've already fallen for him. No...I've definitely already fallen for him. I've fallen for Jasper Hale.

Sorry, but I'm cutting this chapter short:) hope you're having a good day 💕

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