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~Tate's POV~

Here I am, about to trip and fall in front of the guy that I have a crush on. I'm always clumsy, especially at the most inconvenient times...such as this. I brace myself for impact, but the impact never comes. Instead, I'm wrapped safely in a pair of strong arms, feeling like I'm kind of floating, but I'm not. I open my eyes, meeting a pair of dark chocolate ones baring into my soul. My breath hitches and my heart stops for just a moment. Even up close, he's one of the most beautiful men alive...

He carefully brings me to standing position, never going too fast or too slow. Once we're standing up, people start passing us and he asks, "You alright, Darlin'?" Darlin'? Care to make my knees get any weaker? I reply, "Y-yea." Someone giggles and whispers as they walk past us, causing both of us to come to realization. We both clear our throats and head to my first class.


It's Biology with Mr. Molina and Bella is by herself at the table.

It's the same thing the next day. She searches for him and he's a complete no show. I've been talking with Jasper more and more gradually while Alice is practically my new best friend. My ankle isn't getting much better, but it isn't getting much worse either.

More days passed and Bella gets more and more upset/disappointed everyday. I feel for her. My crush on Jasper is ever-growing and my mom has yet to call me. She's texted me once every few days with a casual hello and how's it going, but nothing serious. I've been sitting by myself at a table sketching in my sketchbook secretly none other than Jasper Cullen. Alice has insisted that I sit with her and her family, but I don't know. I kind of just prefer to sit by myself at the table. Bella does the same, but I can see she enjoys sitting with them and I am NOT a fan of crowded spaces.

Its sometime next week and me and Bella are on our way out of the house. (Outfit above)

The rain is pouring down on us. It's a good thing my hair is in a cute, long, French braid. Dad pulls up in her truck. We walk together until we both slip and fall. HARD. My ankle hurts a little worse now, but I can push through it. Dad helps us up, "Are you girls okay?" We nod, "Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated." I brush myself off and get on my bike. He says, "Yeah, that's why I had some new tires put on the truck. Tate, your tires SHOULD be okay, but just in case, please be careful." I put my helmet on, "I always am." He notes my sarcasm and shakes his head.

He says, "I-i'm not so sure. I think you should ride with Bella." I say, "Dad, relax, it'll be fine. I can ride this thing with ONE hand. I think I'll be okay on a little ice." I turn it on, causing him to call out, "Tate." I quickly state, "TOO LATE!" and leave in the blink of an eye. I love my father, but I can't continuously live my life with only caution, being careful and never doing the crazy and unexpected. That's no way to LIVE life.

The roads are a bit too icy for my liking, but I should be able to get through it. Thunder rumbles and I pull up to the parking lot. As I turn the bike off, Alice comes up to me, "Hey." I smile, "Hey." She asks, nervous, "Are you sure you should be riding that today?" I ask, "Why is everyone so nervous about me riding my bike today? Just because I'm little, doesn't mean I'm dainty and fragile. I'm a lot stronger than people like to think." She just looks around and I ask her, "What's wrong? What is it?"

She shakes her head, "Just a feeling." I smile, "Relax, Alice. I'll be fine." I look around, "Where's Jasper?" She smiles, "Miss him already?" I blush and start stuttering, "I...that's not..." She shakes her head and starts laughing, "He's gonna be staying home today." I ask, "Personal reasons?" She nods and I ask, "Well how about a walk to class." She chuckles and starts skipping past everyone. I accidentally bump into someone as I take my helmet off. I look and notice that it's actually TWO people: Rosalie and Emmett Cullen. I say to them, "I'm SO sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'll be more careful next time." Emmett laughs and she smiles, "It's okay." I can't tell if it's a fake or real smile, I'm just happy to get one from her either way. Emmett says, "Nice bike." I reply, "T-thanks. Nice car." He says, "Thanks." Alice calls out, "Tate!" I look at her and she continues, "Come on, we'll be late." I just nod and wave goodbye to them, walking to Alice.


It's time to go into Biology and I would be remise if I didn't say that I DID miss Jasper and his long looks from across the cafeteria. Every time that we would lock eyes and he'd look away, not wanting to seem like a creep, me doing the same. Eric is talking to Bella as we walk inside, "Prom committee is a chick thing, but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway, and they need a guy to help choose the music so I need your playlist. Hey, listen, I was wondering, did you have a date to..." Mike walks in, flicking the rain off of his hat on me and Bella, "What's up, Arizona? Huh? How you liking the rain, girls?" We laugh.

Mike continues, "Better get used to it." Eric says to him as we get from in between them, "Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute, man." I just chuckle and something catches my eye. It's Edward...I look and see both him and Bella staring at each other. He'd better not be back just to torment her; I will not let that happen. She's not gonna be left in another world of curiosity and confusion. She sits down next to him and I take my seat.

I would try my best to listen in, but I need to get this done so of course I finish the assignment as fast as I can and there was no reason to because everyone else is so loud that I can't hear a lick of their conversation.


It's after school and everyone is getting ready to go home. I'm starting to get that off-putting feeling, but not for myself. I've got my bike revved up to go, about to put my helmet on, when I see another kid swerving on the ice, not keeping control of his truck. I see his car going towards Bella so I immediately turn my engine on, no helmet, and speed to the front of it. You would think he would avoid me better, but when he turns, he continues sliding. Bella gasps as he hits me in the process, causing me to go flying off my bike and slam onto another person's windshield, nearly shattering it.

I look over, terrified that she was hit, but I see Edward holding her protectively on the ground, his hand on the side of the van with a dent in it. He couldn't have stopped it. Not in time anyways. Edward hops away and I groan in pain, holding my hand. I have two or three visibly broken fingers. Magically, my bike is fine. Half of everyone surrounds Bella and the other half surround me, talking about god knows what. One thing I'm not excited about: my dad tearing me a new one...

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now