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~Tate's POV~

I put my hair into a ponytail and start my run. I love running. It's so nice and peaceful. It usually got too hot to do in Arizona, but it's perfect here. My run goes good for a while. I don't  have people coming up to harass me or animals jumping out at me. Maybe I should take a break? As I'm thinking that, I trip over something, causing me to tumble down a hill. It's not that far, but on the way down I managed to cut my face a bit. I grab onto a branch, but it doesn't stop me, it cuts my hand open. After a few more tumbles, I finally land and this time I land on my ankle. It isn't broken, but it hurts A LOT.

I groan as I lay there on the ground. I stand up and almost fall so I have to lean against the hill. Once I regain balance, I very carefully return back to the trail and walk the rest of the way until I get home. I open the door and go to my room when Bella comes in, "What happened on that trail?" I respond, taking off my shoes, "Fell down a hill. I'm now more uncoordinated than you are." She laughs and I say, "I'm gonna shower. I'll see you tomorrow." She nods and leaves.

To say that that shower felt great is an understatement. My ankle isn't too much better, but it's less pain than I was in before. My cuts in my face are really shallow so they'll heal soon. My palm though will probably need stitches. We'll see. I plop down on the bed and pass out before I even have the chance to get under the comforter so I'm just sprawled out across the bed, one foot hanging off and one hand doing the same.


I feel someone throw a pillow at me. I look up to see Bella standing at the door. I groan, "What?" She responds, arms crossed, "You might want to look into that deep sleep of yours. Sometimes it's like you're dead." I ask, "Why did you wake me up?" She says, "It's time to get ready for school." I groan and she smiles, "Yea, I know. Come on." She leaves and I sit up, wiping the drool off of my mouth.

I straighten my hair, brush my teeth, and get dressed.

      I get my keys and put all of my hair in my helmet, which took longer than you would think, before me and Bella take off

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      I get my keys and put all of my hair in my helmet, which took longer than you would think, before me and Bella take off. Bella isn't too far behind me, but somehow she managed to get ahead of me. She pulls in and takes a parking spot. It takes me a moment to find one, but I manage to find one by a little grey volvo and grey jeep. As I pull up, I see a few people standing by them. They stare at me as I take off my helmet, letting my hair fall. I turn off the bike and start walking. I notice a blonde boy with golden eyes that makes my heart flutter.

      Who is he? I also notice people staring at me. I see Bella get out and someone says something to her. I roll my eyes and make my way inside, ignoring the lingering stares. Me and Bella get our schedules and it turns out we have a few classes together. I have the first two together with her, then the next two classes I'm by myself, then we have lunch, then we have our last two classes together. Gym isn't gonna be too fun. Not with this ankle.

       We walk around, confused as to WHERE the class is, when a guy comes to us, "You're Isabella and Tate Swan, the new girls. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" Me and Bella both share a look. He's a gigantic flirt, yet dorky. Cute, but not my type. I say for Bella, "We're really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type." He smiles, "Good headline for the feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page." Me and Bella hold a panicked look. 

      We both shake our heads and she says, "No, we're not. You...Please don't have any sort of..." He gets the gist and smiles, "Chillax. No feature." We both sigh with relief and I say, "Thanks." He asks, "You're twins, right?" Bella responds, "Yea." He guffaws, "You don't...really look that much alike." I respond, "We're fraternal twins. I get a lot of my features from our moms side." He nods and the bell rings, signaling for us to get to class.

      First up: Gym. Me and Bella had to change into the school gym uniform and we stand in the back as everyone plays volleyball. I'm pretty good, but I'm honestly tired and kinda sore from the jog yesterday. It takes everything in me not to limp on my ankle. I don't like attention. You can hear shoes squeaking on the ground and some people were talking to each other. The boys are playing basketball next to us.

       I hit it away from Bella, knowing that she's uncomfortable playing sports. Not only that, but she can involuntarily turn violent so best not let her play. Somehow it gets passed to her, and she hits a boy in the back of the head. She rushes over, apologizing no doubt. I just stand here while another girl goes there. My hand is actually really hurting right now, but I have to endure it. It's fine. 


       Bells is forcing me to sit with her newfound friends. The boys are flirting with her, of course. She's always been prettier than me, and honestly I don't mind. The boys say as the boy she hit earlier pushes her chair in, "Ah, Mikey, I see you met my homegirl, Bella." He puts his hand over her shoulders. I have to hold back my laugh. She's SO uncomfortable. Although, I'm probably MORE uncomfortable being as she knows everyone here and I don't. 

      'Mikey' asks, "Your homegirl?" Eric nods, "Yeah." The guy who said something to her earlier says, "My girl," and kisses her cheek before he rips the chair out from under Mikey, causing him to fall to the ground. Mikey chases him, so the girl from gym scooches closer to Bella, giving me more room. She chuckles, "Oh my god. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy." She looks to me, "So, you guys are cousins?" I shake my head, eating a carrot, "Twins." She looks confused and I just continue eating. 

      I get that we don't look alike, but not EVERYONE has to say it when they see us. A girl comes up and takes a picture of the three of us, me next to the girl, Bella on the other side, and says, "Smile." She takes the picture, the flash nearly blinding us. The girl apologizes, "Sorry. I needed a candid for the feature." Eric says, "Feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again." He stands up and says to us, "I got your back, baby." We just lift our eyebrows and he leaves. 

      Angela says, "Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." Bella says, "You know, you can always go for eating disorders." I chime in, "Spedo padding on the gym team." She smiles, thankful, "Actually, that's a good one." The other girl in between me and Bella, "Right? That's exactly what I thought." I mumble, "Then why didn't you say it?" She asks, "What?" I just put another carrot in my mouth, "What?" She just shrugs it off. I can see what kind of girl she is now.

      I see people walking in from outside and it catches my attention Immediately. I ask, "Who are THEY?"

New Girl, New Life (A Jasper Hale Fanfiction - a Twilight story)Where stories live. Discover now