Obliviously Joyfull

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Regina's POV. 

It was the next day and I was having breakfast when Roland came up and climed on my lap. "Hay." "Hi Gina, can we play?" He asked. "Play what?" "Um," ha made an adorible thinking face before he said. "Make believe." I smiled. "Ok, what are we?" "We're explorers." He said enthusiastically. He hopped off my lap and grabbed my hand. "Come on." He said. "Ok, ok I'm coming." I said as I stood (my food disgarded) He lead me over to the bushes. 

"Look, there" he pointed ahead and I pretended to play along. "Is that what I think it is?" "Yes, it's a tieger." I smiled at the miss pronounced word. Back home I had been teaching him animals, he was obviously trying to say tiger. "Don't get to close." I said as I tried to crouch down, to meet his level. I followed him as we continued to play.

Narrator POV.

Robin smiled with joy as he watched Regina play with Roland. She look gorgeaus, so carefree and happy. He loved to see her like this. It was rare, and when it did happen something would always happen and it would be gone. Ragina was so beautiful but pregnancy made her even more beautiful (if that was even possible). Robin lit up with pride every time he saw her. He still couldn't believe that she was his wife, his wife who was carring their child. 

Robin looked up as Snow approched. "She looks happy." she said. "Yes, yes she does." he replied, smiling as Henry joined in on the game. 

"I've never seen her like this." Emma said as she joined them. "I have, when I first met her" Snow said smiling as Regina looked up to se them looking at her, then waved at them before going back to the game.

Regina's POV. 

We finished packing and started our treck to my castle. It wasn't that much futher. I could tell by my surroundings. It had been a while but I still remember. "Gina" "Yes Roland" "When are we gonna get there?" "soon." I replied. He was looking up at the sky, with so much joy and wonder. He was so adorable and already had an amazing little personality, it was amazing to see the world through his eyes. To my regret I really didn't pay as much attention to Henry as I should have. I didn't really stop to see the world through his eyes, to watch as his personality grew, but I vow to do that with Roland and with my future child. 

We had finaly made it to the castle, we Had ran into a couple of people on the way, which making me wonder how many people were here. At first I just thought it was us who were transported here, but apparently I was wrong. It looks like most (and maybe all) of the town was here. 

As we walked up towards the castle, Roland holding on to my and Robins hands and Henry chatting up a storm, I was nervous. I dreded being here, with all the bad memories, but I shoved it down and continued onward. We reached the doors, "Here we go." I muttered under my breath, as the doors opened.

Well there you go a new chapter. Sorry it's taken me so long I've been busy with the holidays and everything. Its funny you would think being in a Global pademic and being home 24/7 would give you more time but I find I have less time than I did before. Anyways hope y'all liked it 

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