So we do nothing?

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Regina's POV.

The doors opened and we entered. I looked around memories flooding back, the good and the bad. Before my mind could go down memory lane Henry started asking questions, and rambaling on.  "So what do we do now? I can't believe I'm actually in the Enchanted Forest, but anyway back to my question what do we do now?" "We wait." said David. "What!?" I said turning around to face the others. "We wait? we don't come up with a plan, we don't try and stop him, we just.. wait." "Yes, we can't stop him until we know exactly what he is planing. For now we eat, we sleep and we wait until we are recuperate and try to get confortible with our old but new surroundings. The we plan, and not a moment sooner." He finished. I said nothing, it was ovious that I did not agree, but i just turned around and headed towards what used to be my room, with Robin and Roland following.

Nothing had change it was still the same old room. The bad memories trying to penatrait my thoughts, and for a second I let them. There were not many good ones mostly bad. I walk over and stood where I had riped my own fathers heart out. I could see it, the scence playing out, I could feel the pain as if it were yesterday.  

"Regina?" The voice brought be back to reality. Robin was looking at me, concern in his eyes. "I'm fine," I said, "just reminesing." I looked away from Robin, hoping that he wouldn't see through my lie. turning instead to look at Roland. He was standing in the middle of the room head turn up to the ceiling looking around curiosity in his eyes. "Hey Roland." I said. "how about we go outside and play." at my suggestion his eyes grew wide a big smile crossed his face, he nodded vigorously.  

I walked over to him, grabbed his hand and walked out. 

Ok well its short and its been while but I havent been motivated to wright but I promise I will finnish this story.

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