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My decision was hard. They expected me to just drop an answer anytime that they wanted, like this decision was easy for me to make.

Jake crossed his arms and tapped his foot repeatedly. Luke gave me kind eyes, a soft expression on his face.

"Chris! You need to choose. It's him or me!" Jake yelled, frustratedly pulling his hair.

I looked between the two, contemplating about my choice. But who should I choose? Jake has been my best friend since I was little, and Luke is very loving and caring.

I really don't want to hurt either of them. It would kill me to see Jake hurt, and Luke is so sweet, I feel like it would mentally crush him.

They both gave me impatient looks, almost forcing the words out of my throat.

"The one I choose is-"

"Wait!" Luke shouted, cutting me off.

"What?!" I said, throwing my arms down in protest.

"Isn't it a bit ridiculous for you to choose. I mean, only a child would do something like that."

"Will you stop with the child shit? It's not like you're all proper and grown up. You had your damn friends drop Chris off instead of doing it yourself. You are-and always will be-a selfish asshole," Jake snapped at Luke.

"What about you, huh? You aren't so perfect yourself."

"No, but at least I didn't ditch my girlfriend like that WHILE SHE WAS DRUNK OFF HER ASS!"

"Y-you told her in the first place to choose between us! You even ignored her for a while. Then when Carl and Sean brought her back to your house, you said you didn't care if she was drunk!"

"Alright! Enough! I've heard enough! Now both of you, shut the fuck up, before I make both of you leave!" I shouted over them, making them stop bickering. "Now stop your bitching and let me think!"

I sat in my moon chair, massaging my temples to think of who I should choose.

Luke. Jake. Luke. Jake. Luke. Jake. Dammit!

My thoughts won't stop with this whole thing. I should just go with my gut feeling!

"Out of the kindness in my heart... Luke..." I drifted, already regretting my words.

But not because of Luke, but because of the hurt that I brought Jake with those eight words.

His face fell, a look of sorrow crossing his features. Luke didn't brag though, which is good, because I really don't need Jake to die even more inside.

"I'm just gonna go..." Jake said, standing up to leave.

He made it to the door, but I stepped in front of it, blocking his exit. "Jake, I'm really sorry-"

"Christina, can I please just leave?" he asked softly. His tone sounded as if his whole family died in a terrible accident and he was wallowing in depression.

My face fell from concern to sorrow as well. I saw a tear slip down his cheek. He never cries, NEVER. Only for death, but never over anyone, or anything.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and started to feel myself cry, too. He squeezed me and I could hear his sobs quietly in my ear, a sniffle here and there.

I shoved my face into the crook of his neck and then pulled away, giving him a light kiss on his cheek. "I still love you, Jacob," I said quietly.

He pulled me into another hug and then let go, pushing passed me to leave. He shut the door lightly and I could hear his footsteps get quieter and quieter with each step he took.

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