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"Chris, can you please pick me up from work? My mom dropped me off this morning and she's busy," Luke said through the phone.

I pursed my lips. "When do you get out?" I asked, giving in.

"In about an hour. I'll see you then, babe."

I hung up the phone and put it back into my pocket. Jake looked at me with a weird face. "What?" I asked, frowning a bit.

"Nothing, you're too cute," he said, a smirk curling at his lips.

"Things like that just make you sound stupid."

"I'm not lying. You know what- never mind. You wouldn't listen to me anyways."

"Damn straight."

I turned around and continued to apply my mascara. It was taking me forever to get ready for this dinner. Luke met mom, yes, but it wasn't anything like this.

"When will he be out of work?" Jake asked, sighing, which meant he wanted to leave already.

"An hour."

"Well, do you want to attempt to crush me in COD or something?"

"Sure, what do I have to lose anyway?"

"You don't. But I know for sure that I'll win."

Must be the ego.


I stepped out of my car, wearing skinny jeans, a loose fitting tank, and a pair of white vans. How I manage to keep them clean, I'll never know.

Jake stepped out after me and we walked up to the counter. "Ready to go, babe?" I asked, placing my elbows on the counter.

"Yeah, just let my take off my apron and we can go," Luke said, smiling at me.

He came out from the back and immediately linked our fingers together. "Off to my house then."

I sighed. "Yep. Let's go meet those parents."

I'm beyond nervous, I'm terrified. What if they don't like me, and think I'm weird, or something?

"It'll be fine. They aren't going to judge you in anyway."

I nodded stiffly and we walked over to my car. I shot Jake a sit-in-the-back look, and he rolled his eyes, opening the backdoor.


I pulled into Luke's driveway, parking in an empty space. He lived in Ottawa, which was a half hour away from Steinpark.

I stepped out of the car and so did Luke and Jake. I walked over to Luke, holding his arm nervously. He looked down at me with a large smile. "Everything will be fine. I assure you." he said, kissing my forehead.

My feet hit the porch and a part of me told me to run back to my car and hide. But Luke wanted this, so I guess I do, too.

He opened the door and we were greeted by five guys around our age. "Hey, Luke. What ya got here?" one asked, his curly blonde hair falling into his eyes.

"Yeah, Luke. You got a new chick?" another one with brown skater hair asked.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Luke asked, looking at all five of them.

"Well, Charlie told us that you had a new chick, so we thought we could crash the party," the blonde one said.

"Alright. Well, this is Christina, and this is Jake."

I glared at him, which all of the guys noticed. "Shit, man. You better fix what you just did." one called out, he had red, spiked hair.

Luke turned and finally looked at my glare. "I'm sorry. She prefers Chris," he said, turning to all of them again.

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