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His eyes flickered open and landed on me. "C-Chris?" Jake asked, furrowing his eyebrows and squinting his eyes.

I held his hand tighter. "Yeah, it's me," I replied, happy that he can see me.

"How long was I out for?"

"A week, but you should be fine."

He smiled, but it vanished when he spotted Luke holding my other hand. "What's he doing here?" Jake asked, his tone corrupted with hate.

"He feels bad," I said, motioning for him to be nice.

"Yeah, well, I'm nobody's charity case."

He let go of my hand and crossed his arms in anger, looking at the wall ten feet away from him. "I'm really sorry," Luke said, looking down at the floor.

"Does it look like I give two fucks?" Jake snapped angrily, almost jumping out of the hospital bed.

I sighed in defeat and sat in my chair. "This is ridiculous," I muttered, putting my face in both my hands.

The room was quiet, only the sound of breathing making any noise.

"I've got ice cream!" Dede sang, holding two bags in either hands.

I stood up and walked towards her, holding my hands out to take the bags from her. I brought them to the table in front of Jake and I started serving the moose tracks ice cream to everyone, except Jake. Mainly because I have no idea if his doctor would approve or not.

He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout and crossed his arms like a child. "What about me?" he asked.

"What does Doctor Hamilton say about it?" I asked back, passing the bowls out.


I rolled my eyes and dug into my bowl of ice cream, smiling at the comfort it brought me, due to Jake and Luke both being asses about this whole 'choosing' thing. It put weights on me that surely shouldn't be there.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Luke whispered in my ear, making me jump.

I turned to meet his gaze. "Of course," I replied, a silly smile on my face as I handed Dede my bowl.

Luke grabbed my hand and led me out into the hallway, shutting the door behind him. He caged me between his arms against the wall and looked deep into my eyes. "I know your secret," he said, much like Regina George in Mean Girls.

"What one?" I retorted, a smug smile plastered on my face.

"I don't really have a clue what I'm taking about, I was just kidding."

I giggled, which encouraged Luke to press his lips to mine. We moved in sync, every movement was perfect.

He suddenly pulled away and looked back into my eyes, his gaze burning into my face. "What?" I asked nervously.

"But I do know something," he said, stroking his chin.

"What is it now?"

He lost his silliness and his expression was serious. "That you regret picking me."

He pushed off the wall and headed down the hallway, walking away from me, leaving me speechless. "Luke!" I blurted.

He turned slightly and gave me a hurt look. "And I seriously thought that for once, you would turn out to be different," he said, walking quicker down the hallway.

His words hit me hard, like a car hit me once and was repeatedly running me over to be sure that I was dead.

Tears started to flow out of my eyes like a heavy rainstorm, and there was no way I could stop them.

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