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(Still in the flashback)

The cops clicked the cuffs around Tyler's wrist and dragged him out of the room.

"I need a gurney in here!" a cop shouted.

I rushed back over to Kyle's body and rested my head on his chest. Jake pulled me away from him.

He put my hands behind my back and dragged me along the floor to get me away from Kyle.

Tears flooded my eyes and my body went limp. Jake pulled me into his arms and cradled me to sleep.

"Chris! Please get out of there!" Jake yelled.

I shook my head and let the tears fall from my eyes. Jake is a reminder of that night. And spending time with Jake just never lets me forget.

It's like it burns it into my mind every time I see him. Like his presence just shoves it deeper into my mind. And I do feel like it's my fault that Kyle had to die the way he did. Who am I kidding? It is my fault.

Jake whipped open the door and hugged me.

"Chris. You know that it's not like that," he whispered.

"No, but it's all my fault," I whimpered.

He pulled away and gave me a dirty look.

"What are you talking about? Kyle? That was not your fault."

I shook my head. For two years, Kyle has been gone. If I didn't go to that party, or play spun the bottle, even give in to kissing Tyler, or leave Kyle by himself, he would be alive today.

"Come on, let's go home," Jake whispered in my ear.

"Are we still going to that party, though?" I asked.

He nodded. I sat up and waited for him to get in the driver's seat.


"Can I tell you something?" Jake asked, turning on his side.

"What?" I asked back, propping my head up with my arm.

"I can totally crush you at a round of COD."

I smiled. "You're so on."

He sat up and tossed me a controller. I sat up, too, while he powered up his Xbox.

I crept around a corner and found Jake standing on the front of the boat. I held up my gun and pulled the trigger, but not fast enough. Jake shot me in the head before my bullet hit him.

I threw my controller at the floor and laid on my back. Jake was chuckling to himself, then collapsed on top of me.

"Get off, fat ass," I groaned.

He chuckled some more. "Oh, it's not like you don't like it," he teased.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off with all my strength, landing him on the floor.

He poked his head up and glared at me. "Douche," he grumbled.

"Well, don't lay on me then," I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Let's go get some dinner. Mom's making Chicken Alfredo."

"Okay," I said, stepping on him and running away.

His footsteps followed close behind and he grabbed me. He threw me over his shoulder and slowly walked downstairs.

"Jake, if you don't let me go, I'm going to hurt you," I warned.

"Okay," he said, dropping me out of his grip, landing me straight to the floor.

"Holy shit! Why would you do that?"

"You said to let you go."

"I meant set me down, not drop me, dumbass."

"See, names like that just make me want to pick you up and drop you again."

I flipped him off and ran back into the kitchen. I sat at the bar and Mary gave me a plate of Chicken Alfredo.

"Thanks," I said, shoveling food in my mouth.

Jake rolled his eyes and sat next to me, starting to eat his food, too.


"Urg!" I squealed, trying to zip up my dress.

"Dammit! Why do you have to dress up?" Jake said.

"Oh, shut up."

"Do I need to get Riley here?"


Riley used to be my childhood friend. One thing led to another and she found other friends. Her and Jake were my only friends, and now it's just Jake.

"I'm calling her. You know, she will do it. I bang her every now and then-"

"Do you want me to throw up?" I cut him off.

He chuckled and walked over to me.

"I don't know why you try so hard. What's the reason?"

"Luke agreed to tag along, and I don't want to look like a fucking nasty ass."

"Shut up," Jake grumbled.

Me saying bad things about my appearance really bothers him. Whenever I say that I'm ugly or anything like that, Jake flips out like crazy.

I rolled my eyes and continued to yank at the silky fabric. Jake grabbed the zipper and started to yank on it, too. It wouldn't budge. It stayed put.

"I think I'm just going to wear a pair of shorts and a tank top," I said, giving up.

"No, you won't," Jake scolded.

"Sorry, dad."

He rolled his eyes and threw a pair of sweats and a crew neck at me.

"Wear that," he said with a straight face."

"Hell no. I'm wearing shorts and a tank top."

"Okay, but what will Luke think?"

"Do I care?"

"C'mon. Just wear something that covers you up."

I shook my head. I walked over to the mirror and started to put on some makeup. I did my hair and walked over to my dresser.

"Leave," I called to Jake.

"C'mon, you take away all the fun!" he said, practically throwing a temper tantrum.

I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the door. He finally left and I changed out of my clothes and put on my clean ones.

My phone buzzed on my dresser.


I smiled and picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey. I'm on my way. Do you want anything from the gas station while I'm here?" he asked.

"Sure. A Coke would be nice, and maybe a Snickers bar."

"Okay, see you in a bit."

I hung up and smiled. "You can come back in!" I shouted to Jake.

He stepped in and looked me up and down, observing my outfit. "Luke better keep his hands off, I mean it," he warned.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, dad."


Author's Note

Yay! Now we know that Jake kind of has feelings for Chris, and Tyler went to jail.

Teaser: Party with Luke, and maybe some Jake drama?

CVF if you love me!

Love ya! <3

~Debi ^.^

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