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I met Jake at the door and he gave me a heart warming smile.

"Alright, let's go get some ice cream," he said, slapping the sides of his legs with his hands.

"Okay, but I want to drive," I called.

"Hell no. I'm the guy. It would be weird if I let a girl drive me around."

"You're sexist, Jake. And you're a douche bag."

"But I'm your douche bag."

"That sounds perverted."

"Intended to."

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the truck. I hopped in the passenger seat and waited for Jake to start it up.

"You know, you don't always have to be a pervert," I said, buckling my seatbelt.

"And you don't always have to put me in the situation where I have to make it perverted," he smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just start up the damn car."


"Hello. Welcome to Dairy Dip." the guy behind the counter greeted.

He was gorgeous. His hair was medium brown and was spiked perfectly. And his eyes were blue, much like Jake's, but so much prettier. And his skin was extremely pale.

I froze for a second before Jake elbowed me in the ribs.

"Oh, uh, I'll have an Oreo flurry. And he will have a mint chocolate chip waffle cone," I managed to say.

He gave me a bright smile. "Comin' right up," he said.

He turned around to place our order. I looked at Jake, who looked like he saw a freaking ghost.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"I don't know, but he's cute," I smiled.

"Damn, Chris. You really need to get over yourself."

"Excuse me, Jake. But at least I actually keep my heart set on a guy. You see any girl that's gawking at you and that's your cue to run off and have sex with her."

"Calm the hell down. Just because I enjoy having sex with various people, doesn't mean it concerns you."

He's right. It doesn't concern me, but my love life doesn't concern him either.

"And just because I want to look at another guy, doesn't concern you either."

"Yes it does, I'm supposed to protect you, remember?"

I turned back towards the window and felt tears of anger break through. The guy opened the window.

"Alright. I have an Oreo flurry and a mint chocolate chip waffle cone," he said.

"Thank you," I said with a grin.

I grabbed them from his hands and turned to walk towards an open table.

I sat down next to Jake and started to eat my flurry.

"Hey, Chris. There's something written on the side of your cup," Jake said, pointing towards my cup.

I looked down at it and smiled.



"He gave me his number," I squeaked.

"Chris, I love you and all, but you are just about the worst girly girl that I've ever met."

I hit him on his shoulder.

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