12 0 0

"So, how about your life? I told you about mine," I said, grabbing a drumstick out of the KFC bucket.

He gave me a sad look and then opened his mouth to speak. "Well, my life was pretty normal, except when my dad went psycho and led my mom to kill herself. He was put away, since I didn't want to be around him, I got put into foster care. Three years later, I could call myself a Peters instead of Summers. I was around ten when I was put into foster care, and I'm extremely thankful that somebody actually adopted me."

His words tingled with hurt and slight depression. "So, did anybody really want you?" I asked, not wanting to hit a sensitive spot.

I've never really seen a guy cry, and I don't plan on it. They need to seem tough to me... I don't know, don't ask me... I'm weird.

"No. They all thought I was a trouble kid and wanted nothing to do with me after meeting up with them."

A tear fell down his cheek.

Great, now I did see one cry.

"Luke, it's fine, I don't want to talk about this anymore," I said, feeling myself about to cry.

Nobody wanted him for the longest time, and his mom committed suicide when he was ten.

And I thought my past was screwed up and sad. Luke had this one in the bag.

"Okay. Then what should we do?"

"I don't know. We are alone. What would alone people do?"

"Chris, I'm not having se-"

"Where is your mind?! That's not what I meant!"

He laughed. "Okay, then what?"

"Let's lay out on the field and look at the stars. Who would do that with a group of other people?"

"I don't know, but I'm in."

I smiled and stood up, walking to the backdoor of my car and grabbing a blanket.

"Do you always carry random blankets in your car?" he asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, when I used to drive her, me and Jake used to come to this field and hang out."

"You mean kiss, don't you?"

"No. Before the other night, I've only kissed him trice."

"Oh, sorry."

He looked down at his feet in a sort of shame way. I walked over to him and gave him a few seconds of a kiss.

"You are now the first guy to ever be kissed by Christina Ann Kline on this field," I chirped.


I glared at him. "What?"

"Don't you dare dis my middle name, it's special," I said, still glaring.

"I was just questioning it."

"Exactly, don't."

He rolled his eyes a bit and walked over to a pleasant spot to lay the blanket out on.

I unfolded the blanket and laid it out neatly. We both plopped down and looked up at the amazing, bright twinkling lights that the universe provided for us.

"Look, O'Ryan's Belt!" I said excitedly.

"As the Big Dipper," he pointed out.

I found myself being extremely quiet and fiddling with my petite fingers. Luke grabbed my hand and linked out fingers together. I turned on my side and pressed my lips against his, enveloping in a passionate kiss. My free hand found its way to his hair and grabbed a fistful, pulling slightly.

He pulled away and looked at me with a smile. "I want you to meet my parents," he said.

"What?" I asked, a bit stunned.

"Yeah. I've already met Gina. Why not?"

I put my hand to my chin in an L shape and began stroking it, pretending to be thinking long and hard.

"C'mon. Please?"

"Sure, I guess I could squeeze you in," I said, as if I'm actually busy anytime.

"Okay. As long as Jake is cool with it."

"Of course he will be, he's Jake."


"No," Jake said, as soon as I asked him of he was okay with a meet-the-parents day.

"Why not?" I asked, stomping my foot and pouting.

"Because you'll probably tell me that I can't come along. What if they kill you? I would go mentally insane."

"I'll asked Luke if you can go, but it isn't definite."

He did a little clap and smiled brightly at me. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to text Luke.

Me: Hey, um, Jake said that he would only be okay with it if he comes along, too.

Lucas: Why?

Me: Luke, it's Jake we're talking about here. He almost didn't even let me go to the field with you.

Lucas: Alright. But only because there wouldn't be any other way out of it.

Me: K. :*

I looked up at Jake and flashed him a smile. "He's okay with it, but if you pull any of the overly protective stuff, I'm going to hurt you."

He rolled his eyes. "How would little Christina ever hurt big Jacob?" he cooed.

I punched him in the gut and he bent over, holding onto his stomach. "That's how," I laughed.

He looked up and shot me a smirk. Oh dear, he's planning something. He wrapped his arms around my legs and lifted me upside down, almost dropping me on my head.

"Chris, you better apologize to me," he warned.

"No!" I laughed.

"I could always drop you."

"But you won't. You love me too much to hurt me."

I looked up at him and he lost his smirk, turning it into a thin line. My statement sort of killed him inside. He suddenly gained his smirk back and he let go of my legs, dropping me two feet from the ground.

I quickly turned my body and landed on my side, feeling like my side bones crushed. He laughed and started rolling on my bed, laughing like there was no tomorrow.

I sat up with all of the strength left in me, and hoisted myself onto my feet. I ran over to Jake and body slammed him.

"Chris, what the fuck was that for?!" he wheezed.

"That's why you don't drop me."


Author's Note

I wrote this by the woodstove. And, there's a snow day! Yay! So my homework could wait until a little bit...

This chapter is sort of a filler. If you feel that Chris and Luke are cute together, vote #teamLuke. If not, and you like Chris and Jake better, vote #teamJake.

Teaser: Chris and Jake go over to Luke's house to meet the parents. There are some special ideas planned for that chapter. ;)

Don't forget to CVF if you liked this chapter. This is by far the longest I've ever written in a book on Wattpad. So please tell me your thoughts, good or bad.

Love ya! <3

~Debi ^.^

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