Chapter Nine

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Two weeks later, the house was looking like a home finally, and Aunt Mabel's place was looking perfect for her. She was happy and Tipsy was overjoyed to have a line going from the cabin to the house so she could come over when she wanted.

Which was every day, the sweet little girl learned her path and every morning Aunt Mabel would put her on the line and away went Tipsy up to the house. She would sit at the front door and wait for me to come outside with her treats and my coffee.

Sitting enjoying my decaffeinated coffee, not my favorite but it is what the doctor said if I wanted coffee while pregnant, I could hear the phone ring. Steve answered it.

I could not make out the conversation at that moment, but I did not want to move off the porch swing, I was comfortable plus Tipsy was asleep on my lap, well he head was.

My belly was getting too big for her to lay comfortably on my lap anymore, which she was a bit miffed but if she could place her head on my legs, she was fine.

"Laura, you have a phone call" Steve called out, "can you bring it to me please, I really don't want to move at this moment" I called back to him. Steve brought me the phone.

He had a look of irritation, but I knew it wasn't at me, "hello?" I asked.

"Laura, it's your father," what in the hell, I thought.

"What can I do for you?" I said starting to feel uneasy suddenly, "Your mother and I have been talking, and we decided to come for a visit and stay at the cabin" he said.

And there it was, why the butterflies I was used to feeling around Steve decided to turn into lead weights and drop into my stomach. "Why?" I asked, my brain went blank to ask anything other than why.

"What do you mean why?" he said sounding irate, "do we need a reason to visit?" he almost yelled into the phone.

"Well, you said you never wanted to see me again and I bought the cabin, and right now it is occupied by another family member so no you can't stay there" I said getting irritated with this conversation and with him.

"Well, there's a few things we need to discuss with you in person, and fine since we can't stay in the cabin, we will stay in a hotel, we will be there in a week" he said and hung up.

Sitting there, I had no words I just sat there staring at the phone waiting to wake up from this nightmare.

Steve walked over and sat next to me, "little mouse?" he asked seeing the look on my face.

I sat there and started to pet Tipsy, "my so-called parents are coming in a week for a visit, they said there are some things they need to discuss with me in person and that they will stay in a hotel while they are here" I blurted out.

Steve sat there lost for words just like I was, he knew how my parents treated me growing up and I have not seen them in five years after I bought the cabin from them.

When they both told me they never wanted to see me ever again, and now they have the nerve to think they can waltz back into my life and get upset because I questioned them.

"Steve, I don't know what to think or do about this" I said laying my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his one arm around me and pulled me into him, while he kissed the top of my head.

"We will figure it out little mouse, but no matter what I will be by your side" he said. We sat there for what seemed like no time, but after an hour of us sitting there relaxing, we could hear Aunt Mabel calling.

Steve got up and helped me up, we walked down the path with Tipsy half running on her line following us.

We walked up to where Aunt Mabel was standing by her car, "what's the matter Aunt Mabel?" Steve asked. "Look at my car, some damn animal decided to use it as a toilet" she Hollard.

I looked where she was pointing, and there it was a bunch of turds on the hood of her car, I tried to hide my smile, but she caught me, "it's not funny young lady" Aunt Mabel scolded me.

"Well in all honesty Aunt Mabel it is" Steve said laughing,

Aunt Mabel gave Steve the evil eye, "well nephew I need you to clean it off for me, I have places I need to be" she said walking into the cabin and shutting the door.

We stood there laughing and Steve shook his head and grabbed the broom that was on the porch, "I don't know why she is so upset, it's not like they tore up the tires" he said as he cleaned the turds off.

"It's your aunt" I said laughing. Steve went and told his Aunt that the car was cleaned and ready for her, she walked out and got into her bright neon yellow car and took off.

At least everyone in town will make sure they are out of her way since Steve made sure to paint her car that color and warned everyone in town that it was her car and not to paint theirs the same color.

We walked back to our house and I let Tipsy inside with us, Steve just mumbled something under his breath as he went to his office, Tipsy followed me to the small room I made a library so I could sit comfortably and read. 

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