Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up later than I usually do, looking around I did not see Tipsy, Steve was not in bed either. Getting up anymore was taking some considerable effort.

Once out of bed and down the stairs, a good twenty minutes had gone by, "not too bad" I said as I walked into the kitchen. I saw my tea kettle was ready and my mug was on the counter next to a note.

"Good morning little mouse,

I took Tipsy with me this morning so you could get some much-needed sleep, yes, I took this mummy of a dog with me, also picked up Aunt Mabel to get her car, I will be back soon, then we can go pick out a tree.

Love you,


Smiling I put the note down and turned on the stove to heat up the water.

Made myself some oatmeal and orange juice, I set everything at the table and just then the kettle let out its little stream of steam letting me know it was ready.

I decided to put on some Christmas music and enjoy my breakfast in peace, with no dog, no aunt, and no husband at least for an hour I took advantage of the moment since I knew soon peace and quiet time were not going to be in the cards for me.

After breakfast I went to take a nice hot shower, once done I made sure to dress warm since we were going to be out in the woods for a good while.

I made myself some tea and sat on the couch, the Christmas music was playing in the background, and I noticed snow had started to fall.

Right now, it was gentle, falling to the ground as if it were a feather gently blowing in the breeze.

But I knew it could turn nasty within a blink of an eye, while sipping on my tea, I hoped Steve would hurry home.

I heard Steves truck pull up, I sat there waiting for the door to open, but it did not. I got up and went to the door, putting on my coat and boots, I opened the door.

I saw Steve sitting in his truck, with his head down, looking around I saw Aunt Mabel standing in her doorway of her cabin, she was looking my way but not saying a word.

I walked over to the truck, opening the door I was ready for Tipsy to jump at me, but as soon as the door was open, Tipsy did not jump at me, in fact I did not see her anywhere.

"Steve, where's Tipsy, and what's going on?" I asked, starting to get a bit nervous.

Steve looked up at me, "I think its best we go inside love" was all he said to me. He got out of the truck and came over to me, helping me inside.

Once in, Steve went to start up the kettle, not looking at me or saying a word. "Steve?" I said looking at him, my stomach was starting to develop butterflies.

I knew something was going on, but what I had no idea.

"Little mouse, go sit on the couch and I will bring you your tea" he said, and I could see he had been crying. I took a breath; this was not going to be good.

As soon as I was sitting on the couch, Steve was behind me with my tea, he set it down on the coffee table, sitting next to me he took my hands in his.

"Laura, as you know I took Tipsy with me today so you could get some rest, everything was fine for a while, and in town she laid down on the seat and when I petted her head she didn't move.

Usually as you know she growls a tad when I touch her, so I pulled over and noticed she was not breathing, so I rushed her to the vet, where he told me she had passed away in her sleep."

I sat there hearing the words, but nothing was making any sense, "are you telling me Tipsy died?" "Yes, love she did, she is at the vets right now until I talk with you, if you want her brought home to be buried or cremated and her urn here in the house with us."

The tears threated to spill but they for some reason did not break the dam, until I looked over at her little bed and saw her stuffed bear and blanket.

Then the tears spilled over, and I could not stop crying, I did not care what I looked like at that moment, I got up and went over to where her bed was at, picking up her stuffed bear and holding it to my chest.

Steve was up in heartbeat, standing next to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his chest, rubbing my back while I cried into his shirt.

We stood there for I do not know how long, we stood there even after I could not cry anymore, the tears had dried up, and my breathing became even again.

We just stood there holding each other, while outside the snow had turned from a light feather to a storm was starting up outside. 

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