Chapter Fifteen

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Everything was set in the nursery, took us a few weeks and a few disagreements, but I was glad when everything was done.

I woke up to Tipsy nudging me awake, I barely opened my eyes, and there she was right in front of my face. I looked over and saw Steve was not in bed.

I looked at the clock and saw it was only seven in the morning. "What's up girl?" Tipsy just stood there looking at me. It takes me a bit to get out of bed anymore.

Now that I feel like the size of a house, I must roll onto my side and let my legs fall off the bed most days. Pushing myself up, I sat there for a moment.

Once sitting up is when my bladder jump starts into action. I went to the bathroom, wrapped my robe around my body and picked up Tipsy.

I had a feeling this dog had to go to the bathroom, and since she does not like Steve, she will not go to him to let him know. Her way of dealing with him is to ignore him completely.

We made it down the stairs okay, and once at the door I opened it to put her on her line and stopped dead in my tracks.

"When the hell did it snow?" I asked to nobody. There was at least two feet of snow on the ground. I put Tipsy on her line, and she stood there next to me.

"Well find a spot to go potty, you are not doing it in the house" I said as I stood there. She looked up at me like I grew a third eye.

I just shook my head, "there is no way I am shoveling a spot for you" I said going inside and grabbing my jacket. Turning around I saw Tipsy still standing there.

Once I got closer, I saw she had peed right where I was standing, well at least she did that outside, but I know she had to do more than just that.

So, I had my shoes on, I walked carefully over to a stop that was not full of snow and trampled down an area, pointing to it I turned and looked at Tipsy.

"There you can go potty right there" I said and walked back making sure not to step where she peed a moment ago.

It must have just been fine with her, as she went over and pooped, and finished peeing.

Rolling my eyes, I took her off the leash and we went back inside the house.

She walked over to her little bed and after ten circles she decided to lay down. I went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

I saw a note on the fridge, "Little mouse, had to go to the site to check on a few issues that all this snow created, I shoveled Aunt Mables drive and car, and once I'm back I will make sure everything is cleared for us, love you"

"Well, that solves that mystery why he wasn't in bed or around" I said to Tipsy, even though she was fast asleep I still talked to her. 

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