Chapter Twenty-One

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Steve left to take Aunt Mabel to town, I knew he would be gone for at least two hours, knowing how his aunt was. But it was good for him to spend time with her.

It gave me sometimes to wrap presents and hide them in the closet in the garage.

Tomorrow we planned to cut down one of the trees that we had behind us in the woods, making sure to mark the spot to plant a few more in the spring.

I turned on Christmas music which filled the house with songs that I loved to sing along to, plus this time of year always put me in a good mood.

I never once thought about my parents, it was almost nonexistent, since my sister's death, everything blurred together.

Now I know why, but now that I have Steve and my own child on the way, what perfect time for new beginnings.

Tipsy would lay in her little bed, watching me like a hawk, well I do not know if she was watching me since her eyes were so bad, but I just pretended she was.

Steve walked in the door about three hours later, mumbling to himself about moving to the ends of the earth and she would still want him to drive her to the stores.

I brought him over his coffee as soon as he sat down at the kitchen table.

Sometimes no words were needed to be said when you spend time with Aunt Mabel. Silence for a few minutes is what was needed.

After half of his coffee was gone, he sat back and let out a sigh, "I love that woman, but did you know she had to stop and talk to every person she saw in every store?"

"Oh, she likes to do that" I said looking at him, I knew all too well how Aunt Mabel likes to be the town gossip busy bee.

"At least she got all her sopping done for the year, I even picked up a bit of groceries for her, and made sure to call the tow truck to take her car into town and get it worked on and set for her for this winter"

"At least Steve it's done with, so now all that is left is taking her to get her car once its ready" I said getting up to check on dinner.

"True, oh I also put the turkey in the garage freezer along with a few pies so that way we don't have to worry incase the weather gets bad"

"Sounds good to me, but I wouldn't mind a bit of repeat from last year, before the baby is born" I said smiling at him.

"Last year was definitely one for the books."

The timer was set for another three hours, the vegetables were in the pot, and the rolls were in the fridge. "How about since dinner won't be for a while we go upstairs and take a nap" I said walking to the stairs.

Steve did not have to say a word, he was right behind me as soon as my one foot was on the step. 

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