Chapter Thirteen

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"Aunt Mabel you cannot just walk away when your spending time with Laura" Steve was saying to his aunt when he opened the door to let her in. "She was fine I saw something I wanted" Aunt Mabel said as she got in.

I kept my eyes closed, I was not in the mood to get into their discussion, Steve got in the truck. "I ordered some lunch so we can pick it up and bring it home to eat" Steve said.

"Sounds good to me, I want to lay around and rest, I think I did too much walking today" I said still with my eyes closed.

"Laura, you didn't mind I went off on my own, did you?" she asked. "Actually, Aunt Mabel I did" I said and that was the last of the discussion. I knew his aunt would be all in a tizzy since I sided with Steve as she would put it.

Steve went over to the restaurant and picked up our lunch, once we got home Aunt Mabel got out and slammed the door. "She is feisty for her age" I said laughing.

Steve smiled and shook his head, he knew just how feisty his aunt could be, once we were home, I went to get my comfortable sweats and baggy t-shirt on, we sat on the couch and watched a movie.

I woke up to the coffee pot beeping, I saw I was in bed, looking at the time it was six in the morning. "Morning my little mouse" Steve said as he walked into the bedroom.

"I don't remember falling asleep" I said stretching and getting up, the baby decided to jump on my bladder, making me rush to the bathroom. "You fell asleep watching the movie and I put you to bed" he said as he was getting dressed for work.

"I must have needed the sleep" I said as I put my robe on and waddled down the stairs to get to the coffee that smelt so wonderful. "No wonder with all the stress that was dumped on you lately" Steve said as he followed me into the kitchen.

With my coffee cup in hand, I went to my favorite spot, sitting on the swing, Steve brought me a blanket to wrap up in. Tipsy was running around on her leash, barking at everything moving.

October was turning into being colder than normal, "I thought about what my parents want, and I've decided to sign the papers" I said watching the dog, I could not look anywhere else for fear the tears would start up again.

"If that's what you want to do little mouse, I will stand by whatever decision you make" Steve said as he sat next to me, I could feel his eyes on me. He knew this was one of the hardest decisions I had to make.

"I have everything that I need right here Steve, they never were a part of my life, they don't want to be, so might as well clean the slate before our baby is born" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

I could hear Aunt Mabel from inside of the cabin, "must be on her phone again, Steve, you really need to get her a hearing aid" I said laughing. As if on cue the door opened to the cabin and there went her cell phone, through the air and into a mud puddle.

Aunt Mabel looked up, saw us, and waved and slammed the door to the cabin.

"I'm not buying that woman another phone" Steve mumbled.

Laughing I looked over at him, the lines around his eyes were getting deeper by the day since his aunt had been staying here. Her house was not set to finish until next spring.

I planned to talk to Mabel about moving full time into the cabin, and just banking the money after she sells her house next summer. I had my doubts on how well that conversation was going to go, but as I rubbed my ever-growing belly I had to smile.

This was my family, one that loved me for me and not wanting me to change, I knew I was making the right decision to sign the papers. My child would know nothing but love and being accepted for who they were.

"I have to head to the office for a bit, I should be home a bit after two" Steve said as he stood up, "that's fine, I just plan on doing as little as possible today, for some reason I'm just tired" I said as I wrapped the blanket around me closer.

Steve bent down and kissed the top of my head, "if you spend the day sleeping, that's fine little mouse, you need to just take it easy" he said as he went into the house to get ready for work.

That man, I loved him since I was little, never dreamed that he would end up being my husband and father to my child. Things happen when they are supposed to, cannot rush what fate has planned. 

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