Chapter Two

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The next morning started off nice and easy. The coffee pot went off with its musical beeps to let me know that it was ready. Grabbing my mug and filling it with that delicious liquid.

I took my cup and went out to sit on the porch swing. The cabin did not have much of a porch, but Steve rigged it up for me, so I had something comfortable to sit on outside.

This is the best part of my day, sitting out here right before the sun peeks over the mountains in the distance. Well, more like giant hills I think but from a distance I like to think of them as mighty mountains standing guard.

Some days I like to just let my imagination just flourish and see what I can think of.

"What are we going to do little one?" I whispered to my little baby that was growing inside of me, I think she liked it when I rubbed my stomach, because every time she's active I just rub my belly nice and slow and she settles down.

The birds were starting to sing, and a few were already flying around. I had Steve set up a few of the bird feeders near the house, I always enjoy watching birds do their thing.

Fascinating little things most days. Especially when they have their babies with them, how demanding the babies are for their parents to feed them, always makes me smile.

Halfway through my coffee I could hear Steve move about inside. After that week when we were here in the cabin, during that snowstorm, and after Steve proposed to me, he sold his place.

"Steve you don't have to put your place up for sale, I'm sure we will be fine, if maybe you just rent it out?" I remember saying to him. "If I sell it, we can use the money to build our dream home little mouse" he said.

That is what he did to, after selling it, he used the money and had an architect from the main city about an hour away to design what is almost finished being built now.

"Good morning my little mouse" he said as he kissed me. "Morning my dear" I said back. Steve sat down on the swing next to me, sipping his coffee watching the birds fly around.

Little fact I learned living with Steve full time, no matter how much he protests it, he loves bird watching. You ask him if he enjoys it, he will laugh and say hell no, but when he thinks no one is watching, that's when he will sit for hours watching them.

You will even catch a smile here and there. But as soon as he thinks you're watching him, or he hears you walking towards him and ask what he's doing. He will tell you he's been thinking on just everything in general.

I don't say anything but it's cute how he acts one way but in the quietness of the moment, he shows his true self. A lover of nature and everything in it.

"What time is Aunt Mabel showing up?" I asked enjoying my coffee because I know once she is here the quietness will be a thing of the past, well for the most part.

Don't get me wrong Aunt Mabel would do anything for you, just well small doses are all I can say. "I think she talked about this afternoon, but you know Aunt Mabel its always on her time and no one else's" he said.

We sat there enjoying our coffee and watching the sunrise and everything waking up. This was our routine, every morning no matter how hectic the day was to become.

The morning was our time to start the day off right.

After my morning coffee, I went and took my shower, getting ready for the day was about to begin. While I was getting dressed, I could hear Steve in the kitchen making breakfast.

Eggs, toast, bacon, the perfect morning breakfast to get my day going right. Plus, my cravings for that every morning have been constant for the past three weeks now.

After breakfast I made sure the guest room was all set for Aunt Mabel. I knew how she liked things, and unless I wanted to hear her go on and on for an hour about how she liked everything I made sure to get it right the first time.

Steve already left for work, and he promised he would be home around lunch time to make sure I wasn't alone when she got here. I just laughed and told him I could handle Aunt Mabel just fine on my own.

Steve was and always will be protective of me and especially now that I was carrying his child, that protective bear was always on guard. I decided to make a summer salad for lunch.

Once I was done with that, I heard Aunt Mabel's car pull up. I took a deep breath and went to meet her at the door.   

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