Chapter Four

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"I think we should go to town and have dinner" Aunt Mabel suggested. "Let me change and get cleaned up and I will drive" Steve said as he walked to the bathroom.

I sat down on the couch and for some reason Tipsy decided once she looked me over that I was okay, she jumped up on the couch and laid next to me. I sat there for a moment surprised, she usually just ignores me.

I started to pet her and found that her coat was amazingly soft, she had short fur, and it looked like it would be wirier, but it was not. Tipsy and I sat there enjoying each other's company.

Aunt Mabel was moving around the kitchen, why I do not know, and honestly did not want to know. So, I just closed my eyes listening to the dog snore, Aunt Mabel doing whatever and Steve muttering in the bedroom.

I can already tell he is irked at the fact that half of Aunt Mabel's stuff is already taking up the bathroom. That woman could be her own makeup counter at a fancy store in the mall with how much stuff she has.

"Okay I'm ready, and why is that dog on the couch and wait, your actually allowed to pet that thing?" Steve asked as he was getting his shoes on. "Young man, that dog is not a thing, so watch your mouth" Aunt Mabel yelled from the kitchen.

"Aunt Mabel you don't have to yell, we are ten feet away, and besides your dog is a thing" Steve said to her. I so was not going to get involved in this debate with them.

For one, Steve leaves the house most of the day, and who would be sitting in this house with Aunt Mabel? And I am married to Steve who I like to sleep with. They both are on their own.

Tipsy and I just laid there with our eyes closed, see no evil speak no evil was our motto, well that was Tipsy thoughts on it as well. But we will just go that it is.

"Laura" Steve said, and I knew that tone, "oh no you don't, I am not getting in-between this one" I said opening my eyes, "I have to pee" I said and slowly got up and waddled to the bathroom as quick as I could.

One, I really did not have to pee that bad, two, it got me out of that conversation.

I could hear silence after I left the room, so after about a minute I opened the door and walked to the kitchen. I saw Aunt Mabel get her coat on, and Steve sitting on the couch having a staring contest with the dog.

"Steve dear, are you ready?" I asked. He did not break eye contact with Tipsy, "I sure am little mouse" he said and stood up. That is all that it took and Tipsy got up and barked a few times at Steve and came to where I was standing and sat down on my feet.

I looked down "um, Aunt Mabel, why is Tipsy doing this?" I asked puzzled. Aunt Mabel looked, "She knows your pregnant, she is protecting you, some dogs do that, it is normal and actually really sweet" Aunt Mabel said smiling at me.

"Oh okay, well that's good then" I said smiling at Tipsy, the dog was wagging her tail. I will be damned that dog is happy with me, that is a first for anything.

Once in town, Steve found a parking spot close to the restaurant. Which was a nice change, I was getting tired of walking halfway through town to go eat, and when you are six months pregnant, you really don't always want to go walking.

Inside they sat us rather quickly, "now this is a change of pace, usually they have us wait a bit" I said quietly. "I called them when you were in the bathroom, I told them to make sure to have it ready since my wife was really pregnant" Steve said.

"Aw, always my bear" I said smiling at Steve. I loved when he did sweet things like this for me, ever since we were kids, he always tried his best to take care of me, one way or another.

The server came over and took our orders, we sat there talking about Aunt Mabel's house and what needed to be done.

Steve talked about his work and how it was starting to pick up since everyone wanted everything done before the snow season was here.

I don't blame the customers, after last year, I would want everything in order as well.

The food arrived and for the next few minutes no one talked, we just stuffed our faces full of the delicious food. I have been craving Spaghetti, I saw Steve ordered lasagna, which looked good, and Aunt Mabel got the salad with steak.

After dinner we sat there relaxing and I was deciding if I was going to have dessert, okay I would be if anything looked good. "After we leave here, I want to swing by your house Aunt Mabel and make sure everything is going the way they are supposed to do it" Steve said.

"Well, that's fine, I can pick up a few more things I forgot, and I need you to get Tipsy bed, I forgot that as well" Aunt Mabel said as she stood up, which was the sign she was ready to go.

After Aunt Mabel went to the bathroom, Steve looked at me, "my little mouse, tomorrow I want to take you for a drive, just us" he said taking my hand and kissing the back side of it.

I smiled, "I would love that" I whispered and leaned over and kissed him. I missed spending alone time with my man, it hasn't been that long, but sometimes you just need it. 

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