Chapter Twelve

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Once in town Steve decided he needed to go to the hardware store and would meet us in an hour for lunch. Aunt Mabel took my hand and we walked to the only store in town that had anything to do with baby stuff.

"Laura, it's so good to see you again" the store lady said walking over, I for the life of me could not ever remember her name. I just smiled and spotted the cutest blankets, hoping to bypass her.

Walking over there I noticed she went to Aunt Mabel and both were discussing who knows what but if I was left alone for now, I was fine. Usually, I do not mind talking to people but for some reason I just was not in the mood.

I picked up a few blankets for the baby, since she was going to be born in December and I wanted her nice and warm. There were a few other things I picked up for her room.

Once done and I paid for what I wanted I looked around and did not see Aunt Mabel. I asked the lady at the desk if she saw where she went, "sorry Laura I didn't" she said.

I thanked her and walked outside, looking both ways along the sidewalk I spotted her a few stores down.

"Laura?" I heard a voice call out to me, I knew whose voice it belongs to and I really did not want to look behind me, "Laura!" I heard my name being called in a sterner tone.

"Yes mother" I said as I turned around, "I swear you are so stubborn" she said as both her and dad walked over to me. "I had no idea" I replied to her.

"Well since you are here, why don't we grab something to eat and you can sign the paperwork so we can get back home" my mother said as she started walking towards the restaurant.

"Sorry I can't today, I'm having lunch with Steve and Aunt Mabel" I said as I stood there looking at her. She put her chin up in the air as she always does when she did not get her way.

"Fine" was all she said, and she walked away, "you know maybe you should respect what your mother has to say" he said, and he turned and followed mom. Maybe I should just sign those stupid papers and be done with them for the last time.

Except one small issue, as much as they could not stand me and the feeling was mutual, I still thought of them as my parents and a small part deep down inside of me, I still loved them.

One thing was for sure was that my daughter would not ever feel unwanted or unloved. I promised her the day I found out I was pregnant that I will do everything I can to make sure she was loved.

"Little mouse, you okay baby?" Steve asked as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, I leaned back against his chest "I'm okay just had a run in with my parents" I said as I closed my eyes and soaked up Steve's body heat and scent.

We walked to the restaurant and as we entered Steve looked around, "have you seen Aunt Mabel?" he asked, "she was with me in the baby store then she left me and where she went, I have no idea" I told him as the waiter seated us.

"Typical" was all Steve said. The next hour Steve and I sat there eating our lunch and enjoying each other's company. We both knew soon it would be hard to find the time like this until our daughter was older.

After lunch Steve took me to his truck and started it up to get some of the heat going for me. This November was a tad warmer than I remembered but I could feel the chill in the air starting to show up.

Steve wanted me to rest while he went to look for his Aunt. I gladly got into the truck and put the seat farther back to rest, maybe a small nap wouldn't hurt while he went looking. 

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