Chapter Twenty-Three

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For the next few days, I was either on the couch or the bed, I did not want to go outside and get a tree. I told Steve I wanted Tipsy to be cremated and her urn here in with us.

On the top shelf of the bookcase sat her urn with her picture and her stuffed bear. In time I would set her ashes free amongst the woods but for now I wanted her close to me.

Steve made sure there was always food available for me to munch on when I needed it. Tipsy was not my dog when she was younger, but in just the short amount of time she had stolen my heart and became mine.

Aunt Mabel came to check on me from time to time, not saying anything but just sitting with me watching old movies or helping Steve around the house or cooking dinner when he had to work late.

"Okay little mouse, it's time to get up, take a shower and get some breakfast, we are going outside and getting a tree today" Steve said as he gave me a kiss to wake me up.

I looked at him, he gave me enough time since the doctor told him with my hormones and the baby almost due, to let me do what I needed to do.

With patience and love he gave me a week to grieve, and he felt it was time to get back to living. He was right, I had my time to morn that sweet crazy dog.

I got up and showered and dressed for the cold, went downstairs, and had my oatmeal with my tea.

I looked outside, the sky was dark grey and looked threatening. "Steve, I don't like the way it's looking outside, do we have enough firewood just in case?"

"I made sure this past week to fill up the shed and in the garage. We are all set for another week of no power and maybe some time by the fireplace" he said with a wink.

I smiled at that memory, "you know I wouldn't mind spending a week alone with you by the fire again" I said as I walked over to him and hugged him as best as I could.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, "let's go get us a tree" he said as he helped me get my coat and boots on.

We went out into the woods and after thirty minutes we found the perfect tree, he staked the place for spring, and he half carried half dragged the tree back to our home.

After an hour of trimming, we had it decorated and sitting on the couch looking at the lights twinkling, the sky had opened after we got inside, and the blizzard had started.

For the next week, it Non stopped snowed, Steve did his best to keep the driveway opened for us just in case we needed to get to the hospital.

The EMS were on standby just in case they needed to get to the house if we could not get out. Every night Steve would clear a path to Aunt Mabels place.

He would bring her to our place for dinner and I offered her to stay here for the night, but she insisted it was perfectly fine to go back to where she was living.

"One more week before Christmas and our little girl due date" I said one night sitting on the couch, watching the fire dance along the logs.

"Everything should be all set, The power hasn't gone out yet, hoping that it doesn't but we know all too well how that works out" he said with a chuckle.

"Well, we just might have Christmas dinner once the powers back on if that's the case" I said stifling a yawn. "I saw that little mouse; I think it's time for bed" Steve said as he held his hand out.

I placed my hand in his and followed him up the stairs, once in bed, I drifted off to sleep, without even thinking of the blizzard that was ravaging the landscape. 

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