Chapter Six

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Waking up to the sound of the coffee pot beeping will always be music to my ears, Steve is such a sweetheart, he must have gotten it ready after I fell asleep. I stretched and looked a bit down on the bed.

I had to smile, there curled up next to me was Tipsy. This dog was starting to grow on me, getting out of bed I put on my robe and went into the kitchen. Tipsy was right beside me for the most point.

She was learning to navigate this cabin well despite her walking challenges. I must remember to ask Aunt Mabel what is really going on with that dog.

I got my coffee and Tipsy sat there patiently waiting for me, once I had my mug, I took her outside to do her business. The sun was starting to rise above the hills, the birds were rising from their nests.

Tipsy was walking around sniffing for that perfect spot, and I had peace and quiet. My perfect kind of morning.

But that was short lived, Aunt Mabel must be getting up which means in about one minute Steve will be getting up. She makes a lot of noise, even Tipsy could hear her, but she was too busy sniffing around to care what was going on in the house.

"Laura, I'm going to fix breakfast since you need to eat, and my nephew is being a sleepy head" she said. Oh, this is going to be fun, Aunt Mabel and Steve must have had a few words yesterday.

"Aunt Mabel you don't have to do that, I can make us breakfast" I said through the window. "Nonsense" was all she said as I could hear the pots and pans banging around.

"Aunt Mabel, I can fix my wife breakfast" Steve grumbled stumbling into the kitchen as he was waking up. I knew he needed coffee before he could make a sentence.

I looked at Tipsy who was sitting at my feet looking back at me, "should we go in there and calm the peace between them?" I asked the dog.

All Tipsy did was tilt her head to the side, "your right" I whispered and petted the dog's head.

"Steve love, can you come here for a minute please?" I asked. "Sure, little mouse anything for you" he said as he grabbed his coffee cup and came to sit next to me.

"Steve, please this between you and Aunt Mabel has to stop, she's your Aunt and she is an old woman, I'll make sure things are good" I said to him and kissed his lips.

As I went to stand back up, Steve pulled me onto his lap, I looked deep into his eyes, oh how I miss those eyes, "I miss you my little mouse, and later on I'm taking you on a car ride to a secret spot" he whispered as he gently kissed my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into his kiss, we were wrapped in each other's embrace for a while. I missed feeling his warmth that I have come to always need to feel every day.

"Laura dear breakfast is ready, and Steve you're going to be late for work" Aunt Mabel yelled from the kitchen. "I swear I am going to buy her a hearing aid; she doesn't need to yell when we are most ten feet away" he said.

"She's just getting old baby, you know how she is, we just have to deal with it for a few months, and I decided I'm going to let her stay in this cabin but were keeping it in the family" I told him.

"Seriously?" he asked me surprised, "of course, we keep it in our name, she stays here for free and enjoys being close to family" I said giving him a kiss and went inside to have breakfast.

Once I sat down Aunt Mabel put my plate in front of me, looking down at it, I saw one egg. That was it, just one egg? "Aunt Mabel, thank you for this but did we run out of eggs?" I asked her.

I was trying to be nice, but I needed more than just one egg unfortunately. "Well, we did start out with ten, but after a few times trying to crack them and I kept getting the shells in the eggs, I finally was able to crack one and you got it" she said smiling and patted my hand.

Note to self, need to go grocery shopping, and make sure to fix breakfast every morning so I have enough stuff for more than a day.

Steve walked over and kissed the top of my head, "off to work, I will drop by around two so you and I can go do what we talked about" he said as he grabbed some coffee before he left.

"Where are you both going this afternoon?" Aunt Mabel asked. "I'm taking Laura on a drive" Steve said as he walked out the door. "What is that boy's problem?" Aunt Mabel asked me.

Taking a deep breath, I was hoping not to get into that this early. "Well, he's upset at the fact that you want to buy this cabin and sell your house after you get it all fixed, instead of talking to us first" I told her.

I wanted to just rip the band-aid off fast and get this over with, I love this woman too much to want to get into any kind of debate with her.

"Oh, I see" was all she said, then she turned and left the cabin, and I could hear her start her car and take off like her ass was on fire. I put my head down on the counter.

I stood up and grabbed my cell phone, I called Steve and told him what just went on, I could hear him sigh, "that means she is coming over to my work right now to have it out with me."

"Sorry love, I thought her, and I could get this over with and settled without her involving you since this is still my cabin" I said half laughing and half hanging my head.

I really did not want Steve to be involved, this was to be between Aunt Mabel and myself for now. Steve had the right to tell me, I just hope those two can hopefully get this over with and move on.

I cannot deal with all this stress, looking down at Tipsy who was fast asleep near my feet, "how about we go for a walk girl?" I asked her.

Tipsy jumped up and ran into the wall right beside the door. Shaking my head and getting her leash "come here little girl" I said as I bent down and clasped the leash to her collar. 

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