16- Christmas Part Two

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"GEORGE FUCKING WEASLEY!" Fred bellowed. Despite the brilliant celebrations, the older twin was ready to claw out his younger brothers neck. "You complete utter arse!"

"Freddie , I think what your trying to say here is thank you" George smirked, knowing full well that he followed his brother and Serena on their Christmas 'date' and that he charmed the tree from the bushes to sprout mistletoe. Deep inside, he knew his twin was right. But never would he admit it. "Come on , admit to the fact you have the BIIIIIGEST crush on Serena Black ever". A large Cheshire Grin made its way up his face.

Unsuspectedly, Fred rose from his bed and pounced on top of George. His fists were flinging all over the place as he straddled his younger brother violently attacking his face.

This only caused George to laugh more, though. As the fact his brother was getting so worked up over the teasing of a girl. "Alright alright Fred chill" He panted, pushing the boy off of his body. "Go snog Serena again and you might feel better"


"You called Georgie?" Serena laughed, making her way to the empty bed of Fred's , as he was still on the floor from attacking his brother.

"Oh Serena! How was your Christmas present" George teased, causing a blush to creep its way up Serena's face and sending a knowing look to Fred.

"It was UH-MAY-ZING!" She screeched like a little girl. "Honestly you should go ice skating with Fred and watch how funny it is watching him fall flat on his arse!— Ah ah Fred don't interrupt me— And how he burned his tongue on the hot chocolate like a dozen times. Honestly, I had no idea that Fred—"

"—Is such a good snogger?" George pressed. Serena's hair began turning a bright shade of pink as the scene from earlier flashed in her head.

The bushes around them began to rustle. After taking their eyes off each-other, which was very difficult as they had felt tied together by a magnetic force. In accidental unison, the duo both whispered to no one in particular "Mistletoe...".

Fred gently cupped her face and traced her prominent jawline with his thumb. His other hand gripping slightly at her waist. At his touch, the girls breath hitched and her grey eyes roamed back up to his chocolatey brown ones. His eyes flickered from hers to her lips; he could feel her uneven and warm breathes fan past his face. Slowly she bought her hand up to the back of his neck as the space between them closed.

Fireworks. Electricity. Safety. Is what he felt at their contact. It was nothing he had ever felt before. The softness of her plump lips, the foreign feeling of her tugging gently at the roots of his hair, the feeling of their tongues brushing past one another.

After their moment in paradise, they felt put together, like the final piece of the puzzle had been living between them.

"That was—"


"Your hairs gone pink, love"

They continued to sit on the bench for another five minutes until Serena had noticed a small, red haired animal run through the bush. At the sight, she jolted up, knocking Fred's hand from her waist and shouted 'FOX! THERE SO CUTE!!'. But Fred knew that wasn't a fox, instead it was his bloody twin brother.

"I— Er? Fred? What's dear old delusional Georgie on about?" She questioned, voice slightly raising

"I know every last detail—" George was smirking, and then a loud POP cut him off as the raven(and slightly pink tinged) haired girl apperated out of the Twins room.

"Fuck you George, now I have to go fix this. Don't do anything more stupid" Fred hissed, as he too apperated out of the room and back into Serena's.

To his surprise, she wasn't in her room. Lazily, Fred couldn't be bothered to go hunt her down, so he flopped himself down onto the side of her bed which was made, and admired her messily clean bedroom.

Her bed was half made, the side that she sleeps in still flipped over exposing the white bedsheet underneath the velvet duvet. Her desk was cluttered with makeup and school equipment, making it seem as though there was no room for anything else. Over in the corner by the window, all her new Christmas gifts were, just waiting eagerly to be put away into their new homes. Her floor was somewhat covered in wrapping paper, sweet boxes and multiple t-shirts and shorts.

As the orange glow of sunset finally hit Serena's bedroom, she finally walked back in.

"Weasley" She spat, but her attitude had no affect on how Fred felt.

"Rena." He replied, in a somewhat softer tone. "I didn't tell him, he followed us even though I told him not to because he already gave you stuff for Christmas and I well— yeah you know? And he was the one to put the mistletoe there and was the 'fox' you saw."

"HE WAS THE FOX? I got all happy about seeing that prat's hair and it wasn't actually a fox? She pouted. Obviously clear that she was overly excited over it.

"Maybe! It still could have been a fox" Fred replied to the pouting girl, sending her a wink.

"Go to bed Weasley, it's late" Serena suggested, after talking with Fred for a good while. She didn't want him to go, but if her father saw him in her bed after disappearing with him today then he would probably throw another hairbrush at the ginger.

"But Reeenaaaa your bed is soo much comfier than mine and you don't want me to get a bad nights sleep! And George snores!" He begged, repeating the same pathetic points over and over again, flashing Serena puppy eyes when he finished.

"Fine— KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON FRED BLOODY HELL— No get your arm off of me. Urgh you know what fine , come here" Serena huffed, being totally over with Fred's whining as he pulled off his T-shirt to reveal his toned body, and climb into Serena's bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in.

That night Serena and Fred had one of the best nights sleep they ever had had, and they awoke the next morning chirper than ever.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя