41- Fake Galleon

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Serena was in the bathroom, perfecting her eyeliner when she began searching through the drawers of clutter out of boredom. Again, the girl was alone in the flat with nothing to do. She felt quarantined. Like the outside world was an infectious disease that would kill her with no regrets.

The girl sighed as she shuffled through her hair products and makeup when she saw it.

A shiny gold galleon. Forgetting everything about Dumbledores Army, Serena picked the money up and shoved it into her pocket, shrugging her shoulders. "Finders keepers" She joked to herself before leaving.

Serena turned around, bumping into the tall figure of Fred Weasley. "Freddie!" She screeched, jumping into his arms, "I didn't think you'd be home by now" She said, slapping him upside the head.

"Ow Rena" He whined, "And I wanted to surprise my fiancee who I haven't seen in forever. Which I'm very sorry about!" He saved, when he saw the glare on her face.

"Yes, Frederick I think you owe me attention" She said stubbornly.

Chuckling, Fred wrapped his arms around his fiancees waist and threw her over his shoulders, "Freddie no I didn't asked to be thrown around like a rag doll!" She screeched, "You know love, you really need to do some more squats."

"Why squats?" He asked curiously, walking around the flat with the girl still over his shoulder. 

"Because you have a flat arse" She said matter of factly, then slapping his bum to try prove her point, "See; flat."

"Yes yes just because I haven't got a nice arse like you, love" Fred pouted, throwing her onto his bed. "It's like you were blessed with bum- cushions for when I throw you around.

Now it was time for Serena to pout, "Hey! I don't appreciate getting tossed about" She said, folding her arms over her chest, making her look like a toddler.

"Aren't you cute" Fred cooed, sitting himself down on the bed and climbing closer to his fiancée. "It makes me just want to," He kissed her softly on the lips, "Kiss you.."

Smiling, Serena held his face and pulled him into a more passionate kiss. The two smiled into it, as their lips locked together perfectly, as if they were made to fit. The girl quickly pushed Fred back onto the bed and straddled him, deepening the kiss. Fred licked her bottom lip asking for permission to enter. Serena obliged, the two's tongues dancing with each other.  As Fred was grabbing her hips, manipulating her body to grind against him, he felt the pocket where she had placed the galleon heat up. 

Breaking the kiss, Fred pulled the warm coin out of her pocket and inspected it. "Rena, the galleon" He breathed.

"Thats what was heating up! I just thought I was horny" She joked, taking a closer look. "Fuck"

"What love?"

"Send a Patronus to George and the order, Hogwarts need us." Serena replied shakily, pressings one last kiss onto his lips.


"Aberforth Dumbledore?" Serena asked, walking into Hogs-Head bar. A man grumbled at the mention of his name, signalling to a portrait on the wall.

"Through the painting, how many more are coming?" He growled.

"The Order Of The Pheonix, sir" Serena replied, walking towards the painting and sliding it across, "Thank you" She smiled, before walking in through the painting with Fred hot on her tail.

As the couple reached the end of the tunnel, they were greeted with the room of requirement. However it wasn't how she remembered it. The flags of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw hung from the ceiling and beds littered the floor. It looked like a massive common room.

Students littered the room, the majority having cuts or bruises on them. Gasping loudly, Serena bought the attention to herself and Fred.

Students cheered as more ex-members of Hogwarts student body approached the tunnel. Serena jumped down and quickly began casting healing spells on the hurt first and second years. 

"Hey it's Mr I ate too many snack boxes!" Serena joked, as she cast espiskey on him, smiling. "Did you enjoy your gifts?" She asked him softly, pulling him into a hug. 

"Go be a brave lion you" She said, patting his head and going to heal another student.

Waves of cheers erupted as the order finally arrived in the room of requirements. The adults rushed in, hugging and greeting family members. Molly Weasley quickly ran up to her children, smothering them in hugs and kisses while Remus came up to Serena.

"Where's Dora?" She asked, looking around to try spot her cousin.

"At home, watching Teddy in the safety of her mothers home" He replied calmly, pulling her into a hug. "Just remember our promise okay?" He kissed her forehead, getting a photograph out of his robe pocket.

A shadow made its way back into the passageway , all eyes following the lack of light.

"I was a fool!" Percy roared,so loudly that Remus nearly dropped his photograph. "I was a pompous prat, I was a- a-"

"Ministry loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron," said Fred.
Percy swallowed.

"Yes, I was!"

"Well, you can't say fairer than that," said Fred, holding out his hand to Percy.
Mrs Weasley burst into tears. She ran forwards, pushed Fred aside, the ginger being steadied out by Serena, and pulled Percy into a strangling hug, while he patted her on the back, his eyes on his father.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Percy said. Mr Weasley blinked rather rapidly, then he, too, hurried to hug his son.

"What made you see sence, Perce?" enquired George.

" It's been coming on for a while," said Percy, mopping his eyes under his glasses with a corner of his travelling cloak. "But I had to find a way out and it's not so easy at the Ministry, they're imprisoning traitors all the time. I managed to make contact with Aberforth and he tipped me off ten minutes ago that Hogwarts was going to make a fight of it, so here I am."

"Well, we do look to our prefects to take a lead at times such as these," said George, in a good imitation of Percy's most pompous manner. "Now let's get upstairs and fight, or all the good Death Eaters''ll be taken."

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now