5-Start Of Something New

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"Mini Padfoot?" A soft voice called. Instantly she recognised it to belong to Tonks, her number 1 best friend. "He won't stop going on about Harry, you haven't been mentioned once... You should come down and kick some butt"

"No thank you Dora , I'm okay up here." She replied, not removing her focus from the window. Ever since Famous Harry Potter had arrived at the noble house of the Blacks , Sirius was unable to take his eyes off of Harry, and leaving his own daughter out from any conversation, or brushing past the topic of her when she was spoken of.

Remus and Tonks were the first to notice this change in Sirius' behaviour, he allowed Harry to sit at her place at the dining table , he never spoke about her , he never was the one who called her down for meals. Nothing was about her anymore.

Soon after Harry started to take Serena's place at the dining table, she stopped turning up to meals. In the night she would go down and eat the plate of food Mrs Weasley had left for her once everyone was gone ,and she would barely sleep.

After loosing her father for 12 years, having him back for one and loosing him again because of a 15 year old , she decided there was no point in putting in the effort for her father anymore.

Surprisingly, sulking eerily made the 1st of September roll around extremely fast. Meaning it was her first ever time going to a school. And last, because she was in her 7th year, but that she could have to worry about later.

Fred and George were closer than ever, at the platform they never left her side and acted like her own personal body guards, walking her onto the scarlet train and directing her. Or in other words: smothering.

The two twins pulled her into a carriage , where a boy sat alone. He had his hair braided and a large goofy smile on his face.

"THERES MY TWO FAVOURITE TWINS!" He yelled, then eyed up Serena who was again, clinging onto Fred's arm. "I hope you've been using protection Fred. I'm Lee, lovely to meet you"

"So this is the infamous Lee huh." She asked the twins, who energetically nodded. "All bad things , all bad things."

His face dropped, and he glared at the twins. "She's joking Lee , calm down." George quickly added, to avoid the death look they were both giving.

As her and Fred went and sat on the striped plush seats, she rose up to her tiptoes and pulled Fred close enough so she could whisper into his ear.

"What is it with you boys and thinking about, sex" She questioned , emphasising on the word 'sex'.

They both took a seat before Fred replied back, "We had a bet to see who would do it first, and with you clinging onto me like a little baby, they both think that we've been at it."

"Ah okay, so big boy Freddie is a virgin too, as well as George and Lee?"

"Nah they both aren't, I wasn't going to go and fuck someone for a bet"

She snorted. The two boys sat directly in front of her had lost their virginities for... a bet. Something about that put the girl into fits, and for the rest of the train journey, every time she looked at them both , she broke out in fits again.

Before the train reached Hogsmeade Station , Serena had left the cart to go and get changed into the inky black robes, before she went back into the cart, she levitated an extendable ear to reach the door and listened into what they were saying.

"Have you broken her? Why did she keep laughing when she looked at us?"

"I told her about the bet Lee, you know, the one that you and Georgie had lost your innocence with. -cough- Angelina Johnson -cough- Tamsin Whisp."

"Oh fuck off" Both Lee and George said, and Serena removed her levitation charm and walked into the cart, twirling in her new robes.

"Don't I look dashing" She simply said, before retreating back to her window spot and threw her legs over Fred's , sending him a cheeky smile. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away from the window, lifting her up and taking the spot that the girl had previously sat in , causing her to sulk all the way until they pulled up into the train station.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن