10- Toad Breath

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Serena was waiting outside of the transfigurations classroom on Tuesday evening. As the twins had managed to earn themselves a detention... already, Serena figured they'd be missing dinner so she grabbed two plates full of  the mood that the twins always ate, and bottles of pumpkin juice.

After a while of Serena waiting for the twins, fifteen minutes to be precise, the two boys came stumbling out of the classroom laughing. From inside, she could here McGonagall sighing to herself.

"Trouble in paradise boys?" She questioned "Here I got you something from supper" Serena handed the boys a plate and a bottle each, and they replied in unison with 'thank you'.

"Can't stay away from us can you, Black?" Fred teased, causing Serena to playfully hit his shoulder.

"You wish Weasley" she said flirtatiously, and entered the common room. Serena was greeted as soon as she stepped through the arched entrance by Hermione grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the fabric sofa. "Hermio-"

"It's Harry," She sighed "I know your not his biggest fan but your all he's got. Harry, show her" Harry lifted his hand up into the light

"Holy fuck." She whispered "Is this that toads doing?" The black haired boy nodded slowly as he pulled back his withered hand. Serena's mouth opened to say something but Harry cut her off.

"Look it's no big problem, I'm not going to let her win" he sighed.

"But what if she does this to other people Harry?! What if their parents find out? I know Papa would eat her whole if she did that to me" She screamed. Not realising she had raised her voice and the whole common room was listening.

"Well I haven't got any!" He screamed back " Just go away! Your nothing to me, you weren't there for me or Sirius when I went through my trial. So just fuck off!"

Serena was livid. Her hair began changing into the colour red, signifying she was angry. Her fists clutched into tight fists in her hands, carving crescent shaped into the palms. The now red-haired girl picked herself up and left the common room.

Had she any idea where she was going? Of course not. She just knew she had to get outside of the caste and find somewhere to relax.

Her first instinct was to try find a forest, but she remembered at the start of the year Dumbledore clearly said that it was forbidden, so instead she head towards a lake.

Serena had no idea how she got there but she ended up slouched against a large tree, facing towards what she assumed was the black lake.

The lake was huge. It had a thick layer of mist floating above it, hiding whatever was beyond the horizon and a giant squid, which kept bobbing its head up.

She had no idea how long she was there for, but the sun had begun to start rising. Merlin did the sunrise look pretty here. If anything this was probably the first time she's seen a sunrise since she was 15. Serena took a deep breath in, inhaling the morning mist and she slowly exhaled. A fog of clear smoke came from her mouth at the coldness of the outside.

Because it was now daytime, Serena found it easy to find her way back to the dormitory's. She muttered the password and tiptoed into the common room. No one was awake due to how early it was which allowed the baby Black to exhale a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

As she walked over to the fire to warm herself up before going to go shower, she noticed a mass of orange hair on the arm of the sofa. Slowly she walked over to it and saw Fred's face being slightly lit up by the glowing fire.

"Freddie, wake up, your on the sofa" she whispered, only loud enough to wake him up. He stirred for a while until he opened one eye and jumped up.

"Your back! Filch didn't find you and try expelling your ass!" He screeched, pulling Serena into a bone crushing hug.

"Fred, it would take more than a caretaker to get me expelled" She grinned in response, hugging Fred back. They were like that for a while enveloping each other in their warmth until Serena spoke up. "You can let go of me now Freddie, I am fine honestly"

"Nope" he muttered into her hair.

They stayed like that until they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The two quickly untangled themselves from each others arms and sat down on the sofa. Luckily, it was only George who had interrupted the two and he came and sat onto Fred's lap, kicking his feet over Serena.

"Get off you big baby" Serena screeched, trying to push George's feet from her lap. "GEORGE! Please get off I need to shower or I will attack you and then you will be smelly like me" She pouted, and George instantly took his feet of the girl.

At the chance, Serena ran up the stairs to her dorm, grabbed some clothes from the drawers under her bed and walked into the bathroom. She turned the tap so it would be on the hottest setting and jumped in.

The feeling of the boiling water pounding into her back was all she needed to prepare for a sleepless day of double potions and DADA.

She let her hair detangle under the water before lathering her rose scented shampoo and conditioner to her hair, and a vanilla scent body wash.

Today was going to be hell. And no way did she want to see Harry fucking Potter.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now