6- Welcome Home

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As the scarlet steam strain came to a half, the girl who would be experiencing her first , and only year in school began to worry. The journey was exhaustingly fun, yes. But what if she doesn't get sorted into a house with the twins?

She had wished she said goodbye to her father at the train station properly, but when she saw his animagus form skip into a waiting room, trailed behind by Harry, she turned on her heel and left to find the boys.

Fred had noticed the shakiness between her breathing as they got closer and closer to the horseless carriages. He smoothly grabbed a hold of her petite hand, giving it a slight squeeze. "Hey there's nothing to be anxious about Rena, it's just a hat. Besides with an attitude like that, you will definitely end up in Gryffindor with me Georgie and Lee"

"Thanks Fred, I hope so" Is all she managed to choke out. Gracefully, Serena pulled herself up onto the carriage, facing the front. She always had to face the front because going backwards made her want to throw her guts up.

The final stretch from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts felt like a simple breath. The outstanding turrets of the castle were the first in sight, followed by the rest of it. Never in her life had Serena seen anything so... beautiful.

As their carriage came to a stop Serena was dazed. Drunken. To any normal person, they would have slim chances of feeling intimidated yet in awe over a school, but she was. She didn't want to only go here for a year, but she was grateful for being able to experience it.

"So, welcome home" George smiled, "You'll love it here "

But she didn't reply. Her mind was clouded with everything and anything, inhaling every moment of it. Before long, she found herself standing on a staircase in front of what she had been told what was the great hall. The first years had already been shown in by a rather tall lady, dressed in emerald green and black robes. Impatiently, Serena fiddled with her tie until the grand doors swung open.

Multiple pairs of eyes lost their focus from the new first years to the newest addition to the 7th year. There were four tables from top to bottom, flooded with students in ruby, emerald, mustard or blue robes. She felt sort of intimidated, being in a room full of this many people for the first time, but she sucked up the feeling and confidently stalked forwards, towards that first lady.

Despite her rather average height of 5"5' ,Serena managed to get to the front rather quickly, swishing her raven ,wavy hair back and forth. For a moment, her eyes met with Fred's, and he sent her a wink followed by a grin.

"Now, Miss Black. If you take a seat here then we can quickly get you sorted into your house: they are Gryffindor, the house I am head of and that your father was in, Slytherin ,Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw."

The girl took her seat on the stool, tucking her skirt underneath as she sat. The Professor lifted a dusty looking hat onto her head, and it began to speak.

"Ahh a Black, I've been expecting you" It said, which slightly startled her.

"Yes, can you sort me now"

"Hmm where to put you, how about Slytherin? Most of your ancestors did well in there?"

"No way, Green is not my colour." She quickly snapped.

"Ahh very well then, it must be GRYFFINDOR!"

The table enriched in Red and Gold stated to cheer, but the loudest few belonged to a pair of ginger boys sat at the end. Serena jogged over to her friends and took a seat. She chatted with the boys for a while , asking them about each teacher and the subjects they took. Half way through their conversation, a large feast appeared in front of her. There were bows and plates of every food you could ever imagine. From her peripheral, she noticed Ron stuffing his face with barbeque chicken wings, and Hermione sending him glares.

"Will you stop eating Ronald! Your supposed to be a prefect and look at how the first ears are looking at you!?"


After the feast was magicked away, Professor Dumbledore began his usual start of term speech. He mentioned things such as the multiple rules the care taker, Filch has, praised Harry multiple times and many more things.

As Serena was about to dose off from the excruciating long speech Dumbledore was giving, she was jolted awake by the sound of a high pitched 'hmm hmm'

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me." But in fact, not a single witch or wizard was smiling. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends"

"That's likely" the identical boys sat either side of her mutters, sarcasm flowing from every word.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizard of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school." She continued, sending a brief nod towards Dumbledore." Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

There was a soft applause, coming from the Slytherin table. Everyone else was quiet, squirming in their seats.

"Thank you Professor Umbridge, that really was most illuminating. "Dumbledore smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. There wasn't a single bone in that man's body that meant evil.

"Illuminating? What a load of waffle!" Ron spat, taking a sip from his pumpkin juice and earning himself a few glares from the students around him.

"I agree Ron, this isn't going to end well" Serena spoke up. Something in her gut told her that the school year was going to be far from normal, yet she was looking forward for it.

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