7- Home

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After her first feast at the great hall , Serena had high expectations for the Gryffindor common room. She had pulled Fred, George and Lee up by their collars and demanded they take her to the common room, considering she hadn't got a clue where it was.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia" Lee spoke to the portrait, resulting in it swinging open and revealing the common room. It was circular and greeted the latter with a raging warm fire. It was full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a pin-board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. can be posted. The tower was decorated in several shades of red and gold.

There were many windows that look out onto the grounds of the school , showing off the quidditch pitch and the forbidden forest The mantle of the fireplace is adorned with a portrait of a lion. The walls were decorated with scarlet tapestries that depict witches and wizards, but also various animals. There were also bookcases located in the room, filled with various novels and magizines.

It was truley a beautiful and welcoming room. Serena felt like she was at home.

"The girl dormitories are this way, I'll show you" Hermione called , she had greeted them as they walked into the common room and instantly stole the girl away from the boys. She pulled Serena up a large amount of winding stairs until they finally reached the top and pushed open the door.

"Wicked" Serena muttered while jogging to the bed in the far corner. The bed was an oak wood 4 poster with the same scarlet and gold draping from each corner. There were no sheets on the bed compared to the others, which is what had drawn her to this one in particular.

"Er I'm going to go and find Ron and Harry, the 7th year girls should be up soon" Hermione smiled, turning on her heel to head down the 7 flights of stairs.

Serena plopped herself down onto her bed. Immediately she found she was sinking into the mattress. It wasn't as comfortable as her bed at home, but merlin was it perfect.

After a while of unpacking and reorganising every one of her belongings more than once, Serena felt happy with how her beside unit looked, as well as the arrangement of pillows on her bed. Two girls , both of who she assumed to be Angelina and Tamsin came giggling into the dorm.

"Oh hi! You must be Serena? The boys told us all about you" The dark skinned one said, rather joyfully. "I'm Angelina Johnson and that's Tamsin Whisp"

"Pleasure" the other girl said in a tone of disgust. Earning herself a slap on the arm with the pack of parchment in her hands.

For the rest of the night, the three Gryffindor girls found themselves talking about a lot. Mainly boys and their opinions on her favourite Weasley's and Lee. Halfway through their conversations about summer, and Serena gossiping about the trouble her and Tonks had gotten up to when she was homeschooling her, another girl walked into the dorms. She introduced herself as Alicia Spinnet.

Quickly after that, they all engaged into a deep conversation about quidditch. She had learned Angelina was the captain as a chaser, Tamsin was their keeper but had decided to not play this year due to exams( who they said was no where near as good as Oliver Wood, earning a few glares) and that Alicia was also a chaser.

"Have you ever played before?" Alicia asked Serena, snapping out of her gaze of how to reorganise her desk once again.

"Oh uh yeah, me and Re used to play it all the time at home. So did me and Dora. She wasn't nearly as good as me though." She replied, smiling at the old memories "not saying I'm good but-"

"OH MY GOODNESS! You must come to tryouts on Friday!" Angelina interrupted with a squeal. "Harry's our seeker, Fred and George are the beaters, but the third chaser graduated last year so we need another one! You must come!"

"I'll consider it, goodnight girls" Serena yawned, wrapping into her now sheeted duvet and shutting her eyes. A chorus of 'goodnights' flooded the room and soon all the girls were sound asleep.


The next morning, Serena was woken by extremely loud and many many squeals. Today would be her first proper school day, but it seemed as though the other three were a lot more exited than her.

"Get up Black, we have time tables to go and collect!" Tamsin sung, pushing Serena off the bed and into the bathroom.

She charmed her curly hair to calm itself down and detangle. After five minutes, Serena had washed her face and teeth, as well as pulling on her shirt and skirt. Her new Gryffindor tie was waiting for her on the chair eagerly.

Noticing the time and not wanting to miss breakfast, she pulled the two articles of clothing and skipped down the stairs. As she reached the last few steps, Serena tripped over her untied shoelace and fell.

She was preparing herself to hit the ground when a pair of strong yet familiar arms grabbed ahold of her waist.
"Falling for me now are you Black, get creative" the raspy voice of Fred Weasley spoke. He looked her up and down before pointing to her shoelace. "Shoelace" was all he said.

Serena rose upon her tiptoes and ruffled up his hair, she then mirrored what Fred had done, following with the same, blunt comment: "Hair".

As the ginger charmed his messy hair back into place, he tugged on the girls tie, causing it to unravel itself from the knot it was in. "Fuck you, Weasley. I don't know how to re-do it!"

Suddenly, the tall boy took a step closer to her, grabbing onto her waist. There was barely any space between them and Serena could feel herself getting flustered.

"No need to worry love, I can tie it for you" He whispered into her ear, Fred reached down to where her tie was now laying and started to re-tie it, rather slowly. As he pulled it done, he made sure to tighten it extra tight, allowing a small cough to escape from Serena's lips as it choked her. After what felt like forever, Fred started to step away from her, leaving her against a wall for support.

Before he finally left the common room , he called out to her "Oh and if you wanted to fuck me, just ask. At least I know you can handle being choked" , and walked out of the common room with a wink.

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now