30- August Fourth

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Serena woke up feeling surprisingly more alive than ever. 

Maybe it was the golden rays of morning light that were pouring in through the windows, or the fact that today was her 18th birthday.

Jumping up, Serena grabbed her wand and flicked on her wireless to play the radio. A song called 'Heart Of Glass' was playing : she loved that song.

Turning the volume up, not realising how early it was, she began singing the song into her wand and made her way downstairs, speaker floating behind her.

In the living room, Remus and Dora were curled up on the sofa asleep from what was a late night, 'preparing for her birthday'. Ignoring the couple on the couch, Serena went into the kitchen to make herself some coffee and cook a fry up.

Yes, she was cooking for everyone on her birthday, but it didn't matter. She loved cooking and loves what is left of her family.

The bacon was crackling away on the frying pan when a very sleeping Remus walked into the kitchen in a shabby grey dressing gown, followed by her cousin in a pair of Serena's shorts and one of Remus' t-shirts.

"Don't tell me you two got up to that last night"Serena groaned, at the sight of the adults messy states. Blushing, the two quickly shook their heads and passed Serena her birthday gift. "No guys, you didn't have--"

"Shut up Rena just open it" Dora yawned, shoving the present further into the eighteen year olds hands. 

Doing as she was told, she carefully released the ribbon on the box and ripped off the paper. 

Inside, there was a small compact mirror in an oval shape. On the outside of it there was a photograph of Remus , Sirius, Camilla, James and Lily all smothering and showing off a young Serena. Smiling at the moving image, she gently opened the compact and saw a foreign reflection.

As she blinked, Serena saw a flash of ginger run past the reflection.

The mirror began heating up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!"The reflection called in a familiar voice. It was Fred, in his apartment back at Diagon Alley.

Astonished, Serena looked up at Remus, who nudged her to say something to her boyfriend who she hadn't spoken to properly in weeks. "F-Freddie?" She asked

"OH MY GODRIC. GEORGE COME HERE SERENA BLACK IS ALIVE. Wait no I shouldn't have said that" Fred called, over excitedly 

"Is this real?" She questioned, looking up at the couple in front of her.

"The realest you'd ever get love. Then again it would be even more real if we saw you, if you know what I mean." Fred's voice sung from her palm. "See you in a bit!" And he disappeared.

Serena stood there, jaw dropped at the magic in her hands. Tears began to swell in her eyes and she sprang herself into the giver's arms. "I love you both so much!"She mumbled into Remus' shoulder and tightening her grip on the family in front of her.



"Happy birthday Rena"

"Yeah, happy birthday"

Serena was overwhelmed with wishes and love. Remus had appeared to the burrow, alongside Rena and Dora.

The burrow looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked unsafe. Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, THE BURROW. Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard and the girl couldn't help but smile.

It was truly a beautiful home and despite the unsafe look, it gave of the most comforting and safe vibes she had ever felt.

'No wonder they're all so happy together' Serena thought to herself as she saw the brightness emitting from the house.

The big difference between her home in Blackpool and the Burrow, was the height. Her and Remus' cottage only housed three people, whereas the burrow held 9 at it's peak.

Inside, lilac and rose gold banners decorated the walls, and a strong scent of Molly's delicious cooking wafted out from the kitchen.

Slightly making her jump, Fred came down from the stairs and snaked his hand around his girlfriends waist, covering her eyes. "Guess who" He whispered into her ear.

A large grin (larger than she had grinned since their Hogwarts escape) found it's way upon her face, "Freddie!" She screeched, turning around to face her boyfriend, who looked very handsome in his dragon skin robes. She eyed him up and down, taking in his look. "Don't you look dashing" She giggled, pushing up onto her tiptoes and placing a kiss onto his cheek.

"You missed" He said, pulling her in closer by her waist. Laughing, Serena pressed a kiss onto his lips, Fred pushing back into her, gently biting her bottom lip. She let out a gentle moan, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch of it.

"Okay you two, chill" Ron interrupted, causing the two to jump apart.

"Ron" Fred growled, stepping closer to his brother. "When you finally pluck up the courage to ask out Hermione, and not see her for two months THEN you can tell us to, chill"

Putting her hand out to stop Fred getting any closer to his younger brother, Serena sent him a warning glare and he backed down.

"Who's up for some firewiskey?" Ginny sung, catching the teenagers attention and leading them into the living room.


"Truth or dare anyone?" Hermione slurred, holding her half empty glass of alcohol.

The latter, including the Weasley children Hermione Harry and Serena, were sat in a circle an empty bottle of fire whiskey in the centre as they had just played a game of spin the bottle.

"Mione how are you still even processing things" Serena slurred back, downing her glass, "I just want to sl-yawn-eep"

"Don't be boring love," Fred replied, picking his girlfriend up bridal style, "It's your bloody birthday and we are not going to sleep the night away"

"Fine, just put me down" She demanded, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Only for you, my love"

"I love you, Fred" Serena yawned, snuggling into the side of her boyfriend and nodding off to sleep.

"I love you, my angel" He whispered, kissing her temple and wrapping his arm a little tighter around her waist.






and schools being ✨DIFFICULT✨

don't you love being a gsce student.

anyhow. thank you all for staying this far into my book it means a lot even though I literally cannot write to save my life, this is fun and gives me a break so I love you all for that and giving me the oppertunity and will to wanna carry on <3

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