43- 11 Years Later

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The room of paintings of fallen soldiers was usually deserted. Students not wanting to look ancestors in the eyes, knowing they'd never have been able to meet them. Or because their parents simply forbade it.

Well, that was until the year of 2009.

A small boy, with bright blue hair was curiously exploring the castle. Just like how his father and their friends did many moons ago.

The Hufflepuff cautiously pushed open the door, being greeted with groans from an array of paintings on the wall muttering things such as 'turn out that light, boy' and 'a visitor! finally'.

Teddy smiled to himself at the sight of the paintings. He slowly walked down the hall, reading the bottoms of the paintings, thanking them as he went down.

It was until he saw the name 'Black' and 'Weasley' when he took a sharp breathe, taking a longer look at the painting.

There was a woman with long curly hair, constantly shifting colours from her metamorphagus powers and a ginger, constantly poking and pestering the woman. The girls eyes shifted up from her irritating Fiancee to see the hazel eyes and bright blue locks of the Hufflepuff student.

"Teddy!" She screeched, jumping up from her position. "Freddie come quick"

Teddy looked up at the painting, an eyebrow quirked up, "I'm sorry, did you say Freddie?" He asked, confused on why she was calling her cousin.

"Yes I did, Mr Lupin" Serena said, crossing her arms playfully. "Oh I have to go find your mum and dad! FRED! Come entertain my god-son" 

"Yes sir!" Fred mock saluted, as the now black haired woman walked through portraits, shoving people over as she powered through.

"Frederick Gideon Weasley" He introduced himself, "The most handsome Weasley twin there is" He said cockily.

"I'm sorry, this isn't one big prank is it?" Teddy asked curiously, "Only because my cousin is called Fred"

"George named his child after me! Wicked." He said, punching the air. "I wouldn't have done that  if me and Rena here had children"

Suddenly, the sound of squealing intensified as three figures made their way back into the portrait.

Ted's eyes filled with tears at the sight of his mother and father, hand in hand before him. "Mum?" Nymphadora Lupin nodded, "Dad?" Remus Lupin nodded.

"Surprise" His mum said with jazz hands. Teddy sobbed. He sobbed because he never thought of the day he would have an actual conversation with his parents. The five in the painting all began to cry with the boy, the females sobbing into their partners shoulders.

For the past 7 years, Teddy Lupin found himself back at the room of portraits, alongside his cousins to talk with their ancestors, hearing about their stories of their times at Hogwarts and revealing all of the secret passages.

Nymphadora and Remus were the happiest paintings to ever walk the walls of Hogwarts, being able to see their son grow up into the man he was, waiting nervously for their grandkids to visit when the time came.

T H E~E N D 

Mini Padfoot ~ Fred Weasley. {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now