Times ticking

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He would always take his time in everything, whether it be something for a random person, for a friend, for a family. He always took his time, just so everything would be perfect. Perfect, a word that exists in the vocabulary but doesn't in the real world.


Rain was the occurrence they were having right now, down below a funeral was held, a bunch of black umbrellas opened, others having designs while others were just plain black. Three close friends of the deceased were crying close to each other, it hurt to see their friend in a coffin. Lifeless.


Tears flowed down the deceased man's lover, the bitter water from his eyes going down with the rain. It hurt knowing he could've done something to save his lover.

He should've known to do something sooner instead of watching his now-dead lover pull the trigger with a smile in front of him. He should've pulled him in a hug and push the gun away. He should've persuaded him. He should've noticed the slight changes. Out of all people, he should've helped him.

The man clenched his fists, regretting every single time that he hadn't asked his lover if he was okay, if he needed help, if he just wanted something but no, he ignored his lover's signs that his lover didn't even know he was dropping. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I should've helped you. I should've saw the signs and told you about it. I should've-" he was cut off by a hand on his shoulder.

"Please calm down.." his best friend whispered to him "You wanna go see him, physically, for the last time?" He stood up. The man nodded and tried to wipe the flowing tears away but to no avail, he went to the coffin that was open by his lover's face and looked at it. His Rosy cheeks now drained and pale, along with his skin, his eyes closed, hair was still the same but it was gelled up, he knew it wouldn't feel as soft.

"I'm sorry..I should've done something.." Tom mumbled quietly, looking at Tord's lifeless body.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it wasn't your fault so you shouldn't be apologizing," A voice softly called "I'll be waiting, I'll be with you, I'll love you till the very end" Tord gently flew to his human lover and hugged him, looking at his own body before getting up and hugging Edd and Matt as well. "Please, take care of him, don't let him end up like me.." he whispered to Edd's ear.

Edd flinched and looked around "I t-think I h-heard Tord-" he mumbled to Matt. "I think I did too.." he sighed and looked at Tom who hugged them tight. "I h-heard him..I f-felt his hug..he's still here.." Tom smiled a bit and hugged them tight, crying softly

"I love him so much.." Tom mumbled

Tord smiled and embraced them gently "I love you guys so much," he whispered and held them close "Stay safe, live a long life"

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