Rainy Make-outs

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(Might have slight smut cuz I'm feeling it right now)

"So guys what is your favorite weather?" Matt asked looking outside the window, it was currently raining. The others perked up, they all knew what weather they liked.

"I love autumn! The colors are so soothing for me and autumn actually inspires me to do things. Haha!" Edd rambled a bit, drawing a very detailed maple leaf.

"Well I actually like rain the droplets are actually the best part of it cause it makes a rhythm for me that way I could actually focus on things" Tord smiled shyly, resting his chin on his palm by the window.

"Well actually I like the rain too, the rhythms from the droplets give me inspiration and it helps me with my music" Tom said, tuning his bass and following the rhythm of the rain.

"That's cool! I like winter! Yes it's cold but I enjoy skating and I love hot chocolate!" Matt said smiling.

"Welp I'm going to bed, goodnight guys" Edd yawned and stretched his arms out then walking upstairs to his room.

"Yeah, I need my beauty sleep" Matt said rubbling his right eye, soon going upstairs to retreat in his room again.

"Night" Tom said with low effort but with emotion, tuning his guitar and enjoying the comforting sound that's in the background.

"Goodnight guys..I'm gonna chill here for a bit" Tord mumbled the last part, looking out the window, he sighed and started humming a small song.

Tom quietly placed his bass on the table then went to Tord, sitting by him and ever so slightly putting his hand on top of the Norsk's free hand.

"T-tom?!" Tord blushed, he wasn't really used to this kind of physical contact with Tom, his only used to their fights.

"Shh~ let's just stay like this, okay?" Tom spoke softly, trying to be gentle with Tord, atleast for once. Tord sighed and just quietly agreed and rested his head on Tom's shoulder, Tom blushed at this but he didn't realise that Tord interwined fingers with him.

The rain continued, both Tom and Tord were quite relaxed at this. Tord was humming a small tune accompanied by the raindrops. A few moments passed, Tom placed Tord on his lap.

"T-Tom?!" Tord whisper-shouted, he really don't know why Tom was doing this. Tom however liked the way Tord acted. Tom then turned Tord to face him while sitting on his lap.

"Yes?" Tom purred into Tord's ear, while his hands slithered to Tord's waist. This sent feelings of delight to Tord's spine.

"W-what are you-" Tord was cut off with a pair of chapped lips, Tom's lips, he was a good kisser though. After a while Tord melted in the kiss, Tom asked for entrance which Tord declined, this caused Tom to grip on Tord's (thicc) thighs making Tord moan into the kiss.

Tom took this chance to get in Tord's mouth, exploring the wet and sweet caverns of Tord's mouth. They pulled away to a string of saliva connecting their mouths.

"Are you drunk??" Tord asked nervously, Tom shook his head and kissed Tord's neck. Tord was holding in moans by biting his lip, he doesn't want to wake Matt and Edd up.

"Nghh~~ T-thomas~" Tord moaned into Tom's ear. The Brit continued to leave hickeys on the Norsks neck until Tord's neck was covered in blue and purple. Tom stared at Tord who was drooling of pleasure.

"Beautiful~~" Tom whispered softly to Tord. Tord accidentally palmed Tom's boner under the fabric of his pants.

"Mhgg~" Tom groaned. Tord heard this and started to palm Tom's erection harder. Tord smirked.

"Do you like this Thomas?~" Tord whispered into Tom's ear, his strong Norwegian accent showing, sending the blue brit shivers of delight.

The lights turned on. There stood Edd rubbing his eyes, Tord blushed and Tom's eyes went white. The three guys didn't move until Edd broke the ice.

"Tom stop teasing Tord like that..and Tord don't please Tom, you two might get too far" Edd explained while taking two cans of cola from the fridge cause why not?

Tord mouthed a 'thank you' to Edd while getting off Tom, who was clearly disappointed at Edd walking into them. The three retreated into their rooms for the night, Tord being flustered as fuck from what happened. Tom smiled his heart out cause his CRUSH just fucking TOUCHED HIM, too bad Edd ruined the fun. Edd the sleepy cola-loving bean got to bed with the cola close to him.



Hi sweets! I got lazy at the end, Don't forget I'd love to hear your requests!

Sorry if this is short QwQ

Word count: 795 words

Stay sweet, sour, spicy, salty or anything you desire everyone! Love you all! Bye!

Ps. Fuck you mom >:(

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