Where the heck is he?

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Tom was dressing up his only daughter, Tamilee for a dance recital, unfortunately though, he can't come. So he called Tord to watch come to her recital instead. Tamilee wanted Tom to come because it was her first recital. Tord though, she was happy enough with that, she just wanted her father to come.

Tord happily accepted, he liked Tom's daughter, he treated her like his own daughter. One thing bothered him though, Tom, he seemed too distanced away from his own daughter, it made him frown.

Tord, Tom and Tamilee met up in front of Tom's house. Tom being dressed up for his meeting and Tord dressed up in casual clothes. Tamilee was already in the car. Tord sighed and looked at Tom "You should really spend time with her more, she's been telling me that you've been really busy.." Tord put a hand on Tom's shoulder, which the eyeless tensed up to.

Tom stared at Tord and pursed his lips, nodding a bit "..I'll..I'll try to get to the recital.." the man croaked out. Tord gave him a smile and a hug, sighing in delight "Thank you.." he hummed. Tom blushed a bit and hugged back, wanting to take out his stress through comfort, he smiled and nodded "No problem.." he muttered.

Tom frowned when Tord pulled away, he quickly smiled when he saw the smile on Tord's face. Tord went to the car and went in, sitting next to the driver's seat. Tom followed and sat at the driver's seat, glancing at Tamilee and smiling softly. "I promise I'll try and get to your recital, Darling" he hummed softly. "Okay Daddy!" Tamilee smiled at Tom. Tord nodded and smiled, placing a hand on his own lap before looking back at Tamilee with a smile.

Tom noticed Tord's hand and started to drive, putting his own hand atop of Tord's, he continued to drive. Tord felt this and blushed, looking at their hands, Tord moved his hand and interwined their fingers. Tom blushed and let out a sigh of delight.

Tamilee noticed this and huffed. "Daddy! Are you touching Uncle Tord?!-" She furrowed her eyebrows. Tom blushed and immediately pulled his hand away from Tord's, putting it back on the wheel. Tord blushed and looked back at Tamilee. "What was that Tami?-" Tord asked with a blush on his face. Tamilee huffed "What was Daddy doing?" She pouted.

Tord giggled a bit and smiled "He was just checking something, alright? Don't worry about it" He told the six year old. Tamilee is Tom's first daughter.

Tamilee nodded and smiled "Okay!" Her smile had widened when she felt the car stop. Tord smiled and got out of the car, letting Tamilee out as well. "Keep your promise Daddy!" Tamilee called out. Tord giggled and smiled at Tom "Keep your promise, try to get here as soon as possible" he hummed. Tom nodded and smiled, waving to them and leaving the parking lot to his job.

A two hours go by, the dance recital was already finished, Tord and Tamilee were in MacDonald's, Tord treating the girl with treats. A text came on Tord's phone.

Messages: 1 new message from Tom

Tord looked at it and sighed pressing his password in before looking at Tom's text.


Tom: Hey Tord, I'm sorry I couldn't come, the meeting was longer than expected. Where are you guys now? I'll pick you up and maybe treat you guys for dinner?

Oh hey Tom, it's fine, we understand. We're at McDonald's now so no need to treat me for dinner, it's my treat! Now come and meet me here! :Tord

Tom: Aw :( I really wanted to thank you with dinner but alright, I'm on my way, stay where you guys are, okay?

No need to thank me! Geez, so stubborn. We'll be here for a while, also, Tamilee and I are going shopping, do you wanna come with?: Tord

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