Huh? (PT. 2)

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"I hate you so fucking much!"

"I'm sorry..."

"All this for a fucking dare?!"

"I'm so sorry...."

A few years passed by, all Tom did was wait for Tord to come back, they graduated without Tord, they moved to another house without Tord. Ever since then Tom picked up his alcohol addiction, but he tried to cope with it but he couldn't. No. Not without Tord, that one person he drove away.

During those years Tord graduated as well, he kept touch with Matt and Edd but told them not to say anything about it to Tom, which they all agreed on. Tord decided it would be the best if he moved in with Edd and Matt again, hoping it would help to Tom's alcohol addiction.

So let's find out.

Matt, Edd and Tom were waiting at the airport with a banner that read Tord's name and last name on it, with doodles made by Edd, Matt and Tom, how'd they do it without Tom knowing it was a banner for Tord? Simple, they just doodled on it first before writing the name.

"Ugh. Who are we waiting for anyway?" Tom asked, frustrated that he got dragged into this. Edd turned to him with a glare "If you're not patient enough for your surprise, go back to the car." He muttered. Tom rolled his voids "Whatever. I'm waiting in the car." He mumbled and walked away, going back to the car with his hands in his pockets.

Matt gasped and smiled, seeing Tord and waving to him. Tord smiled and ran to them "Hey guys!" He hummed, giving them a big hug. Matt hugged back and smiled. Edd hugged back with a small smile "How've you been Tord?" He asked, putting the banner down once they separated from the hug.

Tord smiled softly "Been good!" He looked around for Tom "Uh..did Tom come with you?" He looked up at the both of them. Matt nodded and grabbed Tord's luggage "He went back to the car" Matt smiled. Edd nodded "Let's go back and catch up on everything" he smiled.

The three go back to the car, talking. Unfortunately, Tom was asleep in the backseat of the car, having earphones on. Matt sat next to Tom, Edd sat on the driver's seat and Tord sat next to Edd, they were all talking and laughing about stories. Which Tom woke up to, he didn't recognize Tord yet since Tord had a beanie on. Tom groaned and looked out the window.

Tord heard this and sighed, he continued to talk with Edd and Matt through the whole ride, Tom didn't say anything or ask anything, all he just wanted to do was get out of the car and drink his feelings away.

Matt and Edd stopped by on a McDonald's, so Tom and Tord were left in the car. Tom sighed and looked infront of him, which was Tord's seat, and took off his earphones, closing his phone and stopping the music. Tord was going through his phone, humming himself a small tune.

Tom poked Tord's shoulder, which made Tord tense up. "Alright, what's the deal with you and my friends?" Tom muttered. Tord pursed his lips and sighed "They're my friends too and told me I could live with them" Tord wasn't lying, he was just rephrasing words.

Tom sighed and went quiet. Tord perked up a brow and hummed "Are you okay?" He spoke, looking at his phone. Tom blushed a bit, the voice was so much like Tord's voice, he smiled softly and fiddled with his fingers "Y-Yeah..just missing someone..." He mumbled.

Tord sighed "Can I know who..?" Tord murmured quietly, fiddling with his hoodie strings. Tom sighed "Matt and Edd already know this so why keep a secret?" He let out a shaky laugh "..I miss Tord.." he mumbled, feeling his eyes water from just the mention on his name.

Tord's eyes widened "..Why?" He mumbled, leaning against his car seat. Tom clenched his fists "It was my fault! I lost him just because of a stupid fucking dare! H-He left me...He never c-came back.." Tom buried his face on his hands, begining to sob "..I miss him so much..every day I'd always blame myself..every day I'd hope he's walk in the house and come running to m-my arms..I-I'd wish he'd just come back to me...a-and give m-me a s-second chance..." He mumbled, now fully sobbing.

Tord sighed and got out of the car, he went to Matt's seat; which was next to Tom, and looked at him "..Tom.." he softly spoke, sitting close to him. Tom sobbed and mindlessly hugged him tight, sobbing onto his shoulder, still not knowing it was Tord since his eyes were closed.

Tord smiled softly and rubbed his back gently, trying to calm him down. Once Tom calmed down, he kept hugging him, desperate for affection. Tord hummed softly and was now sitting on his lap, face buried on Tom's neck. Tom and Tord fell asleep in that position when Matt and Edd came back.

Edd smiled softly and let them be like that, putting on their seatbelt. Matt sat down next to them while their take outs were next to Edd in the front seat.

Once at home, Tom woke up, still not knowing Tord's identity, because Tord's eyes were closed and Tord was wearing a beanie. Tom sighed and held him, picking him up and going to his(Tom's) room.

Matt and Edd got in the house and started to eat, leaving Tom and Tord's lunch in their to-go boxes. Tom looked at Tord, gently caressing his cheek, he was crying, he just took off Tord's beanie, smiling softly Tom kissed his forehead "...You came back.." he mumbled quietly.

Tord woke up and looked up at him, rubbing one of his eyes, blushing a bit. Tom smiled and held him close, muttering apologies. Tord smiled softly and hugged him tight, gently rubbing Tom's back "Shh.." he hushed, placing a kiss on Tom's cheek. Tom smiled a bit "...Do you.." he stopped himself and looked away "..Nevermind.." he mumbled.

Tord gently held him and nuzzled onto his neck "..Do you wanna start over..?" He looked up at him with a small smile. Tom smiled and nodded "..Thank you" he nuzzled onto his hair and smiled softly.

"You're finally back..I promise I won't screw this up.."

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