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Tom had always liked how the night sky looked, call him a softie but that's how it is, he likes to take walks at night, go out at night, just do stuff at night as long as the stars are there.

Tom was sitting on the couch right now, listening to music on his headset, having an expressionless face as he stared at the TV. He then felt a poke on his cheek, he perked up a brow and glanced at the person who poked his cheek. Tord.

Tord looked at Tom with his usual cocky grin "Good morning Jehovah!" He greeted, grinning widely at the same time. Tom couldn't help but chuckle and turn off his music, sliding the headset down to his neck, "Good morning Commie," Tom hummed calmly.

Tord smiled and laid on Tom's side, he was facing the window now "Sooo, Matt and Edd are gone for the day, what're you planning to do?" He pointed to the calendar, the date that day had a red circle around it, signifying that it was a date. Tord grabbed a book from the table and opened it to the bookmark, starting to read a few sentences as he waited for Tom's answer.
Tom thought for a while, letting the commie rest on him, he glanced at the book Tord was reading, it was about stars. "Well, I'm thinking of going stargazing tonight, there's a meteor shower happening later." Tom opened his phone and checked the article he was reading a while ago, at breakfast.

Tord's ears seemed to perk up at the word 'stargazing' he was kind of a space lover himself. "Oh? Can I come with? I heard the meteor shower is gonna last a long few hours." Tord closed the book and hummed, sitting up and putting the book on the table again.

Tom nodded and chuckled softly "Alright, just bring something cozy and warm with you, I'll prepare the snacks and the blanket we'll be sitting on," he paused "I might bring my telescope too," he hummed and got up.

Tord nodded in agreement with a hum "You have a telescope?" He chirped out, wanting to keep up the nice conversation with the Brit, Tord got up as well and followed Tom to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I only use it when I'm often alone or stargazing." Tom noticed Tord was following him and cocked a small smirk, going over to the kitchen to make sandwiches.

The conversation with Tom was nice, it was calming and new for Tord. Whenever the two would talk they'd always bicker at each other causing them to fight till their faces bled. I guess we can say that the two are both in the same mindset that they should at least be nice to each other. It's working too.

A few hours had went by, Tord and Tom were already walking to the spot with their things, talking like how normal friends would talk. Both of them liked this kind of change between the atmosphere around them. It's new but it's better than how'd they talk in the past.

A few hours had gone by, Tom and Tord had small conversations throughout the day. Tord just got out of the shower, a towel around his waist, his hair down and dripping wet, one of his eyes open and one closed, yawning softly, he started to walk to his room. Which caused him to bump into Tom.

Tom yawned and rubbed his head, he just woke up from a nap, now being greeted by a wet Tord from the bathroom. Tom looked at him and chuckled "Already getting ready for the meteor shower, commie?" He yawned out, patting Tord's wet hair.
Tord squeaked and looked up at him, letting out a laugh "Of course I am, take a shower too, you stink Jehovah" he flicked Tom's cheek, sticking his tongue out and walking to his room. Tom laughed a bit and watched him "Got it" he went back to his room to get a towel, Tom then walked to the bathroom and took a shower while Tord got ready.

A few more moments gone by, Tord and Tom were already walking to their spot, talking and laughing amongst themselves. Tord having the possession of a backpack with their blanket and snacks and drinks, he also has a camera in there. Tom having to hold the telescope case and the stand for Tord's camera.

"Are you sure those things aren't heavy for you?" Tord asked mid-conversation, a bit worried about Tom. "I already told you, these aren't that heavy, I can carry that bag if you want me to-" Tom got cut off by Tord's huffing "Shut up, I can carry this. Show off." He quietly muttered the last part.
Tom could only chuckle and ruffle Tord's hair, "How cute," he whispered to himself, humming softly as they walked.

A few minutes gone by, Tom and Tord are already at their spot. Tord placing down the blanket they're about to sit on and Tom setting up the telescope and camera near their blanket. Tord placed the bag down on the piece of cloth, looking back at Tom as the Brit stood up straight and stretched. Tom glanced at him and chuckled softly "Need help with anything, Commie?" He went over to him and ruffled his hair. Tord grumbled quietly and poked Tom's cheek "No thank you, I'm done here." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him with a pout.

Tom's heart practically melted at Tord's pout, raising his arms up like a gun was held up to his forehead. "Fine, Fine, I'll stop asking if you need help." He smirked a bit, chuckling to himself. Tord crossed his arms and looked away from him "Oh shut up Jehovah. Your breath stinks by the way." Tord laughed and sat down on the blanket. "It does not! I brush my teeth, thank you very much!" Tom gasped and acted as he was offended, walking over to Tord's camera and setting it up, as well as turning it on so it would get a timelapse of the meteor shower.

An hour in, Tom and Tord had just finished setting up the tent and were laying down- let me rephrase that, Tom was laying down on the blanket Tord had placed down and Tord was laying down on Tom's stomach, both were scrolling through their phones, talking with each other as they surfed the internet as well as taking a bite or two of the snacks they brought with them.

Tom let out a small yawn, turning off his phone, he rubbed his eyes and looked up at the night sky. "Aw, Jehovah, don't sleep now, the meteor shower hasn't even started yet." Tord laughed softly, turning off his phone and turning around to face Tom, he laid his head on Tom's chest as he looked up at him. Tom looked down at Tord and blushed a bit, though, it wasn't that visible. "Oh shut up, you're practically a cat. Cats make you sleep-" Tom huffed and flicked Tord's nose.

Tord huffed and pouted angrily up at Tom "Jerk." He mumbled and hid his face on Tom's chest, closing his eyes. Tom could only chuckle and run a hand through Tord's hair, looking back up again at the sky, starting to try and count the stars.
Fi- wait- where did that one come from?-
Tom thought to himself, eyebrows furrowed. He then saw something shoot out of the sky, it was glowing. A meteor! "Tord!" Tom sat up. Tord flinched and looked up at him, now Tord's head was down on Tom's lap. "What?" He muttered.

"It's starting!" Tom exclaimed with a huge smile on his face, looking up. Tord sat up and glanced at Tom's face, before smiling softly and looking up as well.

"Hey Tord?" Tom mumbled, taking his eyes off the sky and to Tord. The boy in red looked back at him "Hm?" He hummed. Tom smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "This might be the best time for it, I have always loved you Tord" he paused "I just-" he got cut off. "No need for a confession, I love you too" Tord chirped and looked at Tom, pecking his lips. "I know you're not that good with words, you don't need to woo me to get my heart, you already had it. Ever since day one," Tord smiled softly.

Tom blushed and looked at Tord, his usual black, dark voids now white in shock, he couldn't help it, he just wrapped his arms around Tord and closed his eyes, hugging him, holding him close as he hid his face on Tord's hair. Tord just smiled and held Tom back, heaving a relaxed sigh from him. "Aren't you gonna watch the meteors?" He kissed Tom's jawline.

"Having you in my arms is much better than stargazing." Tom muttered quietly and kissed Tord's neck; in a loving way, smiling softly. "Plus, I have my very own, dazzling, stunning, lovely star. It's you," he whispered and laid down with Tord.

Tord could only blush and laugh a bit "Aw, thank you Jehovah," he whispered holding Tom tight as he closed his eyes, nuzzling onto his chest gently as they watched the meteor shower up above them.

Stars, they shone and twinkeled above,
Couples below watching with love,
Stars, being a way to help cope,
Mourning watches them with hope.

TomTord oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now