Chapter - 40

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The Scout
Chapter 40 /  'The Power of Love'
By; mike hurley

So, you must have a girl back home, is she as ugly as you?? Yeah, probably is, and has no boobs either. But what does it matter; you can't get it up over 2 inches anyways. Sissy's can't do crap when it comes to pleasing a woman!!

Shawn came real close to spitting in the Rebels face, but instead said; I hate bullies like you!! You're nothing but manure. You're scared and weak, so you pick on others to make yourself feel like a man!!

Oh is that right!!  Well let's see who screams like a woman; after I cut you some more, then maybe I'll heat up one of your balls!!  That should deflate your stoic bravery real fast!!

The Rebel grinned at Shawn and spit on his searing hot knife. They both heard the sizzle, and saw the steam rise.

Shawn stared at the red hot knife; he fought his need to scream or vomit, or beg for mercy.
Instead he closed his eyes and focused his energy on slicing the side of his left wrist open.
He felt the dull edged tie wrap dig into his flesh; he ignored the pain and dug it in deeper, and deeper.....

Suddenly he felt blood trickling down his wrist; he jerked and tried to break free, to conceal him moving his wrists to spread the blood, as a lubricant.

In a second, with his wrists covered in warm, slippery blood, he pulled one hand free of the tie wrap. He whispered 'please stop, I can't handle anymore pain'!! Please!!

His begging and pleading excited the Rebel, who grinned eagerly as he positioned the red hot knife over Shawn's chest.

Why are you doing this?? Shawn pleaded to know....... please don't hurt me!!

The Rebels eyes were full of hate as he grew agitated & more questions
Sissy girl!! I'm going to carve up your chest, then cut your heart out!!
Then I'm going to go find & satisfy your girlfriend and let her feel how a real man does it!!

Shawn thought of Robin for a split second, then spit into the Rebels face, and swung his arms around and in an instant, snapped the Rebels neck.......Just how Ty taught him.
Shawn swung around to punch the men holding him, just as a huge wolf/dog ripped a man's throat out of his neck. Shawn saw a flash of light, then stared at a
Royal Canadian Marine bayonet in the other man's chest. In 2 seconds, all 3 Rebels were dead. A pool of blood surrounded them.

Shawn turned just as Ty stepped from behind a tree. Shawn had never seen his friend emotional before, but Ty's eyes were full of rage and worry.

Without saying a word, Ty dropped his pack, opened a small compartment and pulled out a little bear of Costco honey. He pulled his t-shirt off & wiped the blood off Shawn's chest, and said; this is going to sting.

Shawn stood perfectly still and without flinching stared into Ty's eyes as the Marine tenderly smeared the honey over the jagged slice in Shawn's chest. He pulled out a large bandage & pressed it in place, then looked
into Lafayette's eyes and softly said.....
I'm sorry Shawn!! I'm sorry you had to endure this crap. I should have been here. I'm sorry!!

Sir, it's ok, but what are you doing here??'

Ty ignored the question and stepped past Shawn to retrieve his bayonet. Without wiping it off, Ty shoved it into the dead sociopaths right eye, and began swearing at the corpse.
You bastard.....I should cut your balls off & shove 'em down your throat!! He stabbed the other eye......then felt Shawn's hand on his arm. The young Army Lieutenant pulled his friend up and said......Ty, let's go home. You said we're not to stoop to their level of depravity. Let the dead rot in their own filth.

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