Chapter - 48

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The Scout
Chapter 48
'Lyndy's Dream'
By: Mike Hurley

3 hours earlier.........
Ty's radio beeped twice. He looked at the screen and scratched his head. An alarm message from the Marine Safe House showed up with the following message.......

'Possible Intruder Alert'!! All-access protocols for 'Borden, Tyler J, RCMC Major'
were entered and access allowed but the secondary ID code was not entered in the kitchen security panel per protocol.
Please advise......'

Ty turned off the alarm and logged into the Safe House security camera.

Just then Shawn looked over Ty's shoulder at the screen and gasped!! that Robin and Amy in the Safe House Kitchen eating dinner??

It sure as hell looks like it!! What are those 2 up to now!!
Ty mumbled and tapped on the garage camera.
The men saw Riley and Liberty having a dinner of hay and grains!!

Shawn, I need a minute to mull this over and get a plan, why don't you help Melodie with dinner, I'll be down in a few minutes. Let's try and head out by 10 pm.

Ty tapped on the screen at Amy and Robin and said...... remember this when someday you decide to marry a woman. You tell them something and they pay no attention to you.
Like, they're under orders not to leave the Fort!!

Yes sir!! Shawn softly replied.

Ty walked to the window and stared up at the magnificent Rocky Mountains. In many ways, life was simpler before he met Amy.
She was a woman and still very independent. But she added yet another layer of complexity to Ty's life. Some men might call Amy, and her 'take life by the horns' mentality.......a pain in the ass. But Ty loved her more than life itself. Grandma knew Ty would give his life protecting Amy.
He adored her.

Shawn quietly turned to head downstairs just as Phantom entered the bedroom, Ty was using as an office. The Wolf looked at Ty and then Shawn. The big dog instantly read the mood in the room. He had been gone on an overnight recon mission. Somehow the big dog understood Ty's stare out the window and knew his partner was thinking of Amy. He gave Shawn a friendly greeting and then stood next to Ty & licked his hand.

The Marine Scout and his dog sat on the bed. Phantom licked the invisible tears from Ty's eyes and snuggled close to him.

Ty had a lot on his mind; from the girl they just found in the chemistry lab and her seemingly true story of hiding away in the town for months. He wondered why his orders to report to Fort Roosevelt were marked urgent. Ty had been around the block enough times as a marine to know his CO had a mission with his name on it.
But there were other Scouts, why did they want Ty? He thought about Shawn's town and his promise to accompany Lafayette to his old home for a bunch of things that supposedly meant something to Robin.

Love, romance, and women complicate life in ways hard to fathom. He thought about Fort McAdams and his adopted parents there. Amy had fallen in love with Grandma and the Colonel, and the Ranch had become her home. She loved it there, and Ty loved seeing Amy happy.
He loved how her eyes lit up when he entered the room. How she kissed him, with a love deeper than the Grand Canyon.
Ty missed sleeping with Amy and holding her all night. The way she liked to sleep with her lovely & soft bottom pushed against his manhood and balls.

Ty buried his face into Phantom's deep coat and moaned with longing for their lovemaking. Every night Amy kissed Ty and fussed over him. She asked about his day and fondled his balls as he told her of his triumphs and frustrations. She massaged his sore muscles and spent extra time on his broad shoulders, back, and powerfully built chest. Amy knew every battle scar on his body and kissed each one as her secret passageway became moist and yearned for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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