Chapter - 16

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'The Scout' / by; Mike Hurley
Chapter 16
'Memories and Revenge'

They awoke early, both excited to be much more than very good friends. Ty opened his eyes & watched Amy staring at her engagement ring. Do you like it??  I love it Ty, it's so beautiful!! She smiled & said; good morning my love, did you sleep good?? 

Ty kissed her & said; yes, & I don't think I moved a muscle thanks to you!!

Are your little friends still achy, Ty??

No their all happy this morning!!

Good!! Did I please you last night??

Ty grinned and said yes!!!!

Are they full again?? Amy asked.

Ty tenderly kissed Amy's shoulder and replied; I can't tell, maybe you should check!!

Amy slid her hand down his body, stopping to feel Ty's broad shoulders, strong chest, rock solid abs, and then continued to her daily surprise of the sheer size of his morning wood.
It was huge in the morning.

Manly huge, as she looked up and watched him react to her fingers caressing him in the way a woman touches a man. She felt it's hard ripples & edges designed to bring her pleasure. Yet she saw on his face, her fingertips were driving him wild with desire.

She saw his eyes, glued to her hardened nipples poking through her extra tight t-shirt. She wore that t-shirt just for Ty. Amy had no idea why her breasts drove Ty so crazy with desire. His eyes stared with enough intensity to start a fire. Yet Amy felt a fire raging inside her, that only Ty knew how to extinguish.......

She needed Ty inside of her. She was made to please him, and he was made to love & please her.

Finally she wrapped her small warm hand around his sac & felt his balls inside. They seemed to relax and snuggle into her palms embrace. They recognized and loved Amy.

She squeezed them just a tiny bit. Ty trusted her, knowing she had the power to bring the strongest man to his knees.

They weighed a little more than five hundred feathers, but Amy sensed they were full again, and ready for her.

Amy grinned and teased Ty, .........their heavy and full!!  What should we do??  They shared a laugh & Ty groaned. Amy giggled & punched him, as hard as she could in his abs. It was her trademark way of telling Ty; she loved his sheer strength and toughness that protected her.

But then as gently as a butterfly drinks from a dew drop, she kissed him, her lips barely touching his as she caressed the tip of his maleness and slipped her tongue deep into his mouth. Ty's heart was racing like a Ferrari,  & he instantly knew what was on Amy's mind...........  

The male in Ty wanted to mount Amy and finish in 60 seconds, but the man in him would control his impulses, and make love to Amy, slowly at first, with the speed of a delicate rose opening to the suns first rays.   Then faster, only when Amy was ready.

Amy's raging fire was not lit by staring at breasts or the power of testosterone. It was lit not only by feeling Ty's amazing body, but by the ring he gave her last night, the promises he made, the call he made to her grandfather, how politely he spoke to her grandmother, and the image of Ty on his knees, asking for her forgiveness and her hand in marriage.
These memories were all precious in Amy heart........

But there was one deeper memory, etched in the very walls of Amy's heart. She would never forget the night Ty carried her out of the Rebel Camp. He risked his own life to save hers. Ty was the bravest man Amy
had ever known. She would forever be grateful, and forever determined to use her young body, to bring Ty as much pleasure as she could; in a world so full of evil.

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