Chapter - 5

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-The Scout-
Chapter - 5

The late afternoon sun glistened off Amy's long, blond hair, as Ty set her down and said; we're here, home sweet home!! Amy looked puzzled, she expected a camp with an old fire, a tent, maybe a clothesline. She held onto Ty's arm for balance. Can you walk a few feet?? He asked. Sure, just go slow. She put just a little weight on her bad foot and clung to Ty's arm for balance. He held back a curtain of vines between 2 birch trees. Amy hopped through and was still baffled. It was a small clearing in a very dense forest. The tree canopy almost covered it with long, arching branches. Ty got on his knees and moved a bunch of leaves and dead branches, Amy smiled, she finally saw his small camouflage tent, sleeping bag and other items. He had the tent set up in minutes, brushed it out and spread out his sleeping bag. Ty knelt down in front of Amy & picked her up into his arms. I could have hopped over there; she said. I'm not an invalid!! Ty set her down inside the tent, he could tell she was exhausted. Her 2 hour nap on his back helped, but after days of staying awake for hours at night, Amy was wiped out. He pulled out a pillow, took her tennis shoes and jacket off and covered her with a warm blanket. She melted into his cozy makeshift bed. The sun danced inside the tent as a gentle breeze made aspen leaves play with its rays.

Amy ran her hand across the green down sleeping bag, it was so soft. When Ty wasn't looking she smelled the inside and smiled. It carried the scent of a strong but gentle man. She looked at Ty & brushed the inside corner against her face. She imagined being all zipped up inside with him. Her thoughts wandered to a place a man & a woman in love go to together. A place of intimacy & passion. Ty would touch her in places and take her breath away.......

Amy dreamed of standing behind Ty & slowly pulling his t-shirt off & massaging his shoulders, then kissing his neck. She'd slowly feel every muscle & rib in his chest and abs. Ty was built like a dream. His body ignited fires deep in Amy.
It had been........

Amy jumped out of her daydream as Ty said; I'm going to set up a few things, make a poultice for your foot and start a fire. He massaged her foot and continued; dinner is going to be late, our package arrives tonight around 8:00. He reached outside and pulled in a can of chicken breast, some crackers, 2 water bottles, and a little can of green beans, he had stashed in a bear proof canister. He dumped it all out on a tin plate, ........we really need some wine, but this is our happy hour mini meal. Amy was delighted!! It was the first real food she had seen in weeks. I'm starving and I have to admit that Snickers Bar we shared this morning in the Rebel camp was amazing, but I was worried you were addicted to them!! Ty smiled and said; I am!!

Ty opened the cans & soon had the chicken breast & green beans warming. He sat down at the tents door and slid one of Amy's feet onto his lap.

Amy stared into Ty's eyes as he gently massaged her metatarsals. His fingers slid between her toes and worked the pain out. She wanted this man so bad, he was quiet, yet strong and intelligent. Amy needed Ty to hold her, and tell her things she never knew.
What was Marine basic training like?? What did he dream about. She wondered about his deceased wife, and how many nights did he cry himself to sleep.
Amy could see the hurt still in his eyes from his wife's death. Amy knew she could comfort Ty and tell him
everything was going to be ok. He'd find a new love, someone who would hold him at night. A woman who knew how to please a man......
A woman who already loved him. A woman who right now couldn't take her eyes off of him.

You like olives?? Ty asked. Amy's daydream had left her speechless. Uh-ha is all she could say.
Amy moaned as Ty pressed his thumb into her arch.
His hands were amazing. Her throbbing foot pain was disappearing. She marveled how Ty could rescue a woman one minute, and massage her feet the next.

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