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Clay stared at his phone, waiting for something, anything. Fighting off sleep and waiting for his friend to reply. He couldn't talk to Nick, he felt bad for just hanging up on him like that, and he didn't dare ask to call again so that he could talk about his issues which Nick had unintentionally caused.

It wasn't like he could just vent about how Nick raised his voice out of question and also happiness because his friend had pushed past his anxiety and did something that was positive. It wasn't something he could let himself do, he needed someone else, and texting George seemed like a good alternative.

He wasn't able to get to that conversation as he drifted off to sleep with his phone still turned on in his hand. The screen lit up his face, the light freckles dusted over his nose and cheeks. It slowly turned off, a lack of use causing to to fall into its own slumber. The phone then proceeded to slip of out Clays hand as he relaxed, doings a couple hops on the mattress before settling into the sheets.

A couple minutes passed, the only sound being the light breathing of a cat and her owner in the dark at 3 AM. The phone lit up, showing a text message from George. But he was too late, his friend had already drifted off to sleep.


"You IDIOT. Can't do anything right can you?!" Harsh yelling echoed through the room. There was nothing in the room, it was eerily empty, and also foggy. As if a mist was tucked into the corners of the room. "Well don't just stare at me with those baby eyes of yours! Speak you insolent child!"

"I'm sor-"

"Shut up!" the contradictory statements from the angry man in the room terrified the little boy who stood cowering. Could he say anything? Was he allowed to? Would he bit hit across the face again for apologizing?

The man started walking forward, with an angry confidence. He pulled his arm back as if he was about to hit the boy. But before anything else could happen everything seemed to blur...


Clay shot up, startling Patches. He was breathing heavy in his bed. He looked around in fear to see if that man was anywhere to be seen. No one was inside his room, just a very angry cat who could still be asleep had it not been for the nightmare.

He reached out, smiling and hoping she would accept his apology. She did, carefully rubbing her head under his outstretched hand. He smiled and whispered a little 'sorry', still apprehensive about vocalizing in case the man really was in there. Was the idea irrational? Yes. Did Clay care? No. His anxiety wrapped itself around his neck and held him hostage every hour he was awake.

He reached for his phone and clicked the power button, but no response. He fell asleep with it in his hand and it died. He sighed and grabbed the charger from his side table and plugged the phone in watching as the screen lit up with a little green battery, showing that it was actually charging. He figured now would be a good time to do his grocery shopping for the week.

He pulled off his sleep pants and exchanged them for a pair of actual ones. The first pair of actual pants he had put on in a couple days now. He exchanged his shirt for another of the same kind before grabbing his wallet and house keys. He snuck out of the front door and started a quick walk to the grocery store that was conveniently just down the street from his house.

He didn't have a car, it wasn't something he was too eager to get, despite having enough money to buy multiple and not even make a dent in his savings. He enjoyed taking the time to walk down the street and take in his surroundings. He made it up to the local store and walked in. Grabbing a basket and making his rounds through the aisles.

Comfort in Silence // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now