Worlds Best Cheese Fries

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The boys were out in the pool at the house, splashing at eat other violently. What was originally a little payback for Nick getting George wet, turned into an intense showdown, each side carefully planning to send a big wave of water in the others direction.

Clay was hanging off the side of the pool wall, watching and staying neutral. He didn't want to deal with another one of his friends fights for the 10th time since they got there. They had only been there for two days.

They were so busy at the convention, and in turn they had been too tired to bicker, so all of it was coming out at once. Now George was angled in front of Clay, with Nick in between.

You can probably see where this was going.

George saw a moment where his friend was distracted, and took it. Sending a huge splash in Nicks direction. Nick however, had a quick reaction, and dove under the water so that Georges attack couldn't hit him.

Instead, it hit an unsuspecting Clay right in the face.

George froze. Looking the other up and down with a nervous smile.

Clays eyes were shut, and the faintest look of disappointment could be seen on his face. He spit out a little bit of the chlorinated water that had accidentally made it into his mouth, and his eyes opened with a deathly glare.

"Sorry! S-sorry..." George said, backing up as Clay slowly got off the wall and approached. "You hit him! Haha you actually got him square in the face!" Nick called, now on the other side of the pool so that he could get out of the line of fire.

Clay was on a mission, wading through the water. What was shoulder height for George, barely reached his chest, so he got there before George could scurry away. Georges was far smaller than the other, so Clay was able to pick him up with ease.

George squirmed, trying to at least get thrown into the water of his own volition. But it didn't work. It never worked. He could feel the extra push, and pinched his nose shut, before Clay launched him into the water sending him into the depths of the pool.

When George finally resurfaced, his hair was dripping wet in his face, and he looked so done with everything around him. Clay was laughing, pointing with another hand rested by his waist. He looked so happy, so pretty.

George shook the thought from his head. Was he really, truly falling for this idiot of a Minecraft youtuber?


"You good George? Hit your head going down or something?" Nick asked, which quickly brought George back to reality. He had been staring at Clay who was watching intently, curious as to what was going on in his head.

"I'm fine. That was really rude Sapnap." George said, shaking the water from his hair. "You deserved it Gogy."

George rolled his eyes, and started to climb out of the water.

"Where are you going?" Nick asked, watching as the water dripping from Georges trunks as he stabilized himself on the concrete bank. "To dry off, I'm getting sunburnt." George said, looking at his shoulders, which showed a rosy pink hue. They matched his nose too, which had a bright pink band of color over the bridge.

"He's right." Clay piped in, noticing the light pink on his own body, accompanied with his, now more prominent, freckles.

"Aww. You guys are no fun." Nick whined, knowing that the two were probably going to go inside and cuddle. He might as well get out too at that point, being in the pool alone was no fun. So they all got out to dry off.

George was running his towel over his arms carefully, when he caught sight of Clays back. It had ragged patches of skin, that looked warped. They weren't large by any means, but they were still visible.

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