Big Waves

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Our next opponents are the Autraslia team the "Big waves" they have a good offense on their team, at the meeting you heard that Sakura parents came to visit.

So she left early to welcome them.

In practice some of your teammates have progressed a lot, mostly Matatagi, he learned how to properly dribble and has quick reaction on fast passes.

Then after practice, Shindou called you to meet him after practice so you waited for everyone to leave until there was only you and Shindou left.

"What did you want to tell me?" You said.

"I want you to keep an eye on Sakura and Ibuki for the next match, so is it okay for you to stay on the defense?" he asked.

"Sure, but what's up with Sakura? I know why you want I keep an eye on Ibuki but..."

"I have a bad feeling about her, she's a professional in gym and has a bright future but yet she still came to play soccer to get into the best gym school." Said Shindou.

"True... But what's with you wanting me to keep an eye on everyone?" You look at Shindou.

"I rather keep that for myself." He said and left.

"Come on! Shindou!" You went after him.

|Time skip/day of Inazuma Japan vs Big waves|

The day of the match arrived, and just like Shindou said you were put as a defender.

You stood on front of the goal but not too near either since there's rules in soccer that must not be broken.

"[F/N] you're too near! I'm enough strong to stop their shoot!" Shouted Ibuki.

"I'm good here." You replied.

The kick-off started, Shindou lead the team with his God's batton successfully breaking the opponent team defense and was able to pass the ball to Kyousuke.

Kyousuke uses "Bicycle sword" a new hissatsu and score the first goal of the game.


That's not a surprising since Kyousuke always trains hard everyday.

The match resume as the opponent uses their hissatsu tactics "Suck out", it's a tactics surrounding the player who has the ball and surround it with four player's, creating water down the player and then steal the ball.

They steal the ball from Kusaka dribbling toward the goal but you immediately steal it back and pass it to Shindou. "Shindou!"

Shindou gets the ball and uses again his God's Batton, he passes the ball to Sakura to Matatagi.

But the opponent immediately uses their hissatsu Tactics once again stealing the ball from Matatagi.

You've been watching Sakura for a moment but nothing suspicious about her then you observed your opponent's, what was weird was that the informations that we got about them were.. False?

The opponent gets the ball and dribble toward the goal again, you try to block them but...

"[F/N]! Move!" Shouted again ibuki.

You got distracted and accidently let the opponent pass you. "Stop shouting at me Ibuki!" You shouted back angry.

You then realise... you let the opponent pass. "Crap !"

The opponents uses an hissatsu called "Megalodon", as expected Ibuki has no chance in blocking an hissatsu with just hands.


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