Ending With Ibuki

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You walk up to the gate and saw a paper to an address.. You take out your phone and the address and followed the steps.

You end up arriving in another school that's also closed due to holidays.

"Huh? Are you lost?" Asked a boy who's seems to be one year older than you.

"Oh, I actually got a letter from someone telling to go here... But that person didn't wrote his or her name." you answered.

"May I see?" The boy asked.

You nod and give him the letter.

"Oh! That's Ibuki's handwriting!" He said outloud.

"Ibuki's... Wait... That's Ibuki's school?!" You yelled.

"You know him?" Asked the boy.

"Yeah we we're teammate in a soccer team." You replied.

"Oh I see, Ibuki is in the basketball practice field." Said the boy.


"Right, you don't know the way my bad. Follow me!" The boy said.

You followed him and arrived in a field for Basketball, you saw Ibuki practicing for the first time basketball.

"I'll let you some alone space!" Smiled the boy and left.

You waited for Ibuki to notice you, it only took him some seconds.

"[F/N]? What are you doing here?" Asked Ibuki.

You show him the letter and he look away. "Crap... I forgot." He mumbled but you still heard that.

"So... What do you wanted to tell me?" You asked.

Ibuki walk up to you, he seemed a bit more off than he usually look like, you know.. That confident Ibuki who always challenge you to stuff, well now he looks like a puppy who did something bad.

"I love you!" He exclaimed with a red face.

You were prepared for everything except that.

You couldn't believe it... Was all his admiration was nothing but... LOVE TOWARD YOU?

You easily get flustered. "I... Well.. Uh... When.. Did you.." You tried to ask the question but it was soo awkward right now.

"When you saved me back there." Replied Ibuki.

"Back there ?"

"Yeah... When I started to stop playing solo." He continued.

"Oh that... Yeah.. Ibuki. I like you too!" You shouted.


You two faces boiled, well for Ibuki we can really see he's blushing alot.


The wedding is going very well, everyone was invited and we played some minigames!

And guess what you have in your wedding. A POOL!

"Ibuki!" You shouted.

Ibuki walk up to you. "Hey, what do you need?" Asked Ibuki.

"I saw something in the pool.." You said.

"Huh ?" He look at you confused and crouch looking at the pool.

You wait for the right moment and push him in the pool. "Oops." You said.

Ibuki falls in the pool just like you planned. "[F/N]!" He shouted angrily.

You chuckle.

Ibuki then leaves the pool all soaked but somehow you kinda find him... Attractive with his hair down.

"Hm? What? Do I have something on me?" Asked ibuki noticing you were staring at him.

"No..." You look away.

"I see." Ibuki smirks and walk up to you.

"Eh?! Don't come to near you are soaked!" You said and walk backwards.

Ibuki then carries you. "Gotcha." He smile.

"Ibuki don't-" Then he threw you in the pool.

"Have fun swimming!" Shouted Ibuki.

And that's how your wedding went with your crazy and funny husband.

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